Jogging....street vs treadmill???

Ive wondered this for a while and it may be common sense but I'd Like to get an experts point of view just to clarify... For fat loss and gaining endurance which is better?...jogging on a street(or anywhere) or on a treadmill?...I jog with 2 1/2lb arm weights in each hand. I get tired faster and feel like I do more on the street but is that just all in my head??? Thanks!!!
Of course I am no "expert..."

Treadmill can be pretty similar... Set the incline on 2 and it is closer to running on the street.
I love running outdoors. I can't run on the pavement cuz it kills my shins and makes walking agony for a week after, but there's a walking track near me that is absolutely beautiful and stretches for quite a few k's too. Now if only those tourists would get out of my way...
Treadmills are nice and springy, and predictable, and have mirrors in front so you can watch your posture and look at the girls....

But running outside is the real thing, isn't it? It's what we've evolved to do better than most animals in the world, so might as well do it, eh.

I think treadmills are great for setting pace and for specific interval training and goals etc; but the closer to a real movement pattern, the better.
Plus, nothing beats good, fresh air! Well, unless you live in a place where the air isn't so fresh. And sunshine is good for you (it can also be bad of course, but in moderation, it's good to get it).
when i was in high school i had terrible shin splints. it didn't matter if i ran on the track or outside.

and you knwo what? i think i get them wheni mall shop intensively, too!

so do what you want, i don't think it's going to matter.
I would think that runnning outdoors is naturally better given the conditions are cooperative. I am sure running in 100 degree weather isnt good, just as well as running in extreme cold. I Run on the treadmill personally only because I work mon-friday from 7:00am to like 5:00-6:00pm every day. so its dark when I get up and I dont like to run in the afternoon because thats when I weight train. so I run at 5:00am before work while its dark out. so rather than getting hit by a car I just run on my treadmill. I have a few programs on it where the incline and speed adjust throughout so that its somewhat more like outside.. Still I prefer the fresh air whenever I can

As long as your getting out and running it doesnt matter inside or out you will benifit from either
i personally think all conditions being equal, running on a surface is more exercise than on a treadmill. i do both myself, mostly out of convenience. i set the incline to around 7 1/2 to 8, and man it's a workout alright. but so is running outside going up and down hills. i guess the important thing is to just do it either way.
i like to use the treadmill unless its just to nice outside to pass up. But no matter what speed i'm running on the mill, I will use about a incline of 3.
Personally, I prefer treadmills. In contrast to other people's opinions, I can't really get in the right frame of mind for a run outdoors, and prefer to run inside a gym etc on a treadmill so there is a distraction of TV etc.
well.....outside running i feel like a bit of a wally, ppl r walkin their dogs and there i go past puffing and panting away but in a gym theres always someone whos in worse shape than you. take advantage of this and run on the tredmill beside the girls you'll look soooo much better haha!!