jogging/runing help please

Hello i was on this board some time ago asking for help now i need some more help.
OK first of when does joging become running?
i can jog for about 5 miles but when i run hard my body just keeps saying stop stop why is this do i need to just keep runing hard and my body will get used to it my cheast gets all tight? i think i need to work on hart and lungs?
should i doing hill reps for this there is a very exelant hill near me for this.
the reason i need to run is for an army test 1.5 mile in 11.30 mins i done this on the road lately in about 11.45 but when i do it cross country this is when my problems start the route i got to do is very muddy with puddles every where.
could some one take time out to help some one like rip who helped me lsat time i see he is still around and o my next date for the army is 12 april so not that long. do you think you could set out a little traing program for me mate thanks very much SA80
What your doing is good, but try also to mix your runs, say 5 mile jog one day followed by a mile or so sprint or run the next day. Also here's a tip for you, go outside to your hill and sprint up it then jog or walk back down then repeat. Do this 3-5 times as hard as you can (alot of it is mental really so just push yourself, since the army will never work you at your comfort level always higher be warned). Then you will notice that on flat (which is what you will do your bft on) You will be more efficient and be able to keep going faster for longer.
thanks for the info you sound like you know what you taking aout are you
x army. also when does joging become running?
I was in the marines for a little while and will be transfering to the RAF soon.
Anyway, well it all depends on how fit you are. As you get fitter your body naturally starts to run faster. To some people jogging could be slow but to others it could be fast hard work. Really there is no such thing as jogging its just a term used for slow running. There are really only two types of motion in that area- walking- natural human body function and running (can be different speeds) Its all about your perspective on it really. All I can say is just follow what I said in the previous post and good luck to you.
If you have access to a track (440 oval) try interval (or FARTLEK) training on for size from time-to-time: warm-up by walking 1 lap and then slow jogging 1 additional lap. Now comes the fun part... Sprint 1 entire lap, then jog 1 lap. Repeat the sprint/jog laps 8 more times!!! This will kick your azz! Make sure you do a good cooldown (i.e. jog 2 laps, fast walk 1 lap, walk 1 lap). Then, stretch your legs and core out really good!

Also, check here:

Good luck,
thank you very much rip i wil do this.