Jock Straps??

Forgive me for my unrestrained ignorance. I don't really understand what a Jock Strap is and what the benifits are of wearing one.

I'm currently 16, soon to be 17, and I've never worn a Jock Strap before. Starting earlier this year, with my father, 47, we try to run 2 miles in 19-20 mins every two days if weather and schedule permits, and I've always just worn briefs and any pair of shorts.

However, my father, has told me that it might be a good idea for us both to get jock straps to prevent jostling, and referred to pain and other symptoms (Urination of blood I think???).

So, I gather that the purpose of a jock strap is to prevent jostling, however, will this actually prevent those kinds of issues, and for me, since I do not have those issues, and am much younger, is it necessary? The only thing I really know about them is that they look uncomfortable. Is it possible that not wearing them can result in damage for such a mundane activity as running? We also do pushups and situps, but I'm not sure if he meant for that too. What kind of activities should Jock Straps be used for? To be honest, I never even heard about them being used by anybody other than football players before now.

I can't imagine that man in nature used much support, but then he didn't live past 35.

I usualy just run in breifs myself too. Whenever i wore a jock strap it was when i was playing baseball, and it was only to hold my cup in. I got tired of wearing thoughs and then wore "slider pants", and they did the same thing a jock strap did, but instead looked like breifs but a little tighter, so im just as interested in this question as you are.
Jockstraps are used by many sports such as cricket, rugby and boxing etc.

I have no idea why anyone would run in one, perhaps to make it even more uncomfortable.

If you're worried about chaffing or your balls swinging around down there, buy some cycling shorts. Yes they look very gay, but just wear them underneath some shorts or trackies.

Personally I, and from my experience others, suffer some rubbing and chaffing on very long runs mainly from my upper thigs rubbing. Cycling shorts will cut this out, or alternatively just rub some vaseline onto the area and save ten bucks.

EDIT: As acdc said, jock straps are used to hold cups in. If you find urine in your blood at any point you need to see a doctor, regardless of what you've been doing before hand. You shouldn't be urinating blood after running.
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I played (U.S.) soccer for over 9 years growing up, wrestled for a season, spent a little time as an aiborne infantryman, and have been biking and jogging for a year now.

At no point during any of these activities did I wear an athletic supporter/jock strap. Neither was I ever encouraged to by any of my various coaches, sgt.s, and other sources of information. Finally, in all this time, even after playing whole soccer matches start to finish - commando style to boot - have I ever experienced anything like what your father was worried about.

If you need the support for some odd reason, go for it. Otherwise it ain't broke so don't fix it, right?
I really don't think running without jockstraps can create such issues for a normal person. They are mainly used to hold guards/protection gear in place in sports like cricket as said by 'fly'. I play cricket every Sunday and I can say running with it can be very uncomfortable if it's not a right fit.