Jo_el's road to the 100 push ups, 200 situps, and 200 Squats CLUB

Iv decided to see if I can hit some bodyweight goals which I have always wanted to achieve. Note that each of these excersises are to be done with perfect form.
Pushups- Head looking up and lowering about an inch off the ground
Situps- focusing on contracting the abs and not the hip flexor.
Squats- arms out in front and back straight and complete a full squat

My goals are

Pushups- 100 reps - Current- 20 reps
Situps- 200 reps - current- 70 reps
Squats- 200 reps - current -100 reps

im gonna start with 100 total reps min of each everyday
ill keep you posted :animal3:
This sounds interesting. I actually had a look at this journal last night and didn't comment, but the idea behind it has been running through my head since then as something I can do something similar to while I'm out of the gym (I'd probably go for something like pull ups rather than sit ups myself, but still, cool idea for something to do with yourself).