Jelly babies.... not all that....


New member
After reading that Jelly Baby's (a member here) favorite candy are Jelly Babies, I had to find out what these thing really are. (they are a British candy) :drool5: I've been thinking about them, I'm just strange like that. The thought of a new confection or food usually gets me very curious, so I located Jelly Babies at my local World Market, and bought a bag for 3.99 for about 7 oz.
And, well.... I found out why they aren't more popular here.
I found them to be rather bland. I think here in the US we're used to flavors that more tangy, and just... more flavorful. They weren't even as sweet as most other candy I've had, the closest comparison being dots or gummy candy.
They aren't bad, I could and will finish them even eventually, but without the enjoyment that I would have with a bowl of regular gummy candy. (I'll probably give my dog a few also) The flavors do taste like the advertised fruits, each represented by it's own color. The texture is a bit weird, being a softer than jujubes and dots, they are more like gumdrops, but the outside was a bit chewier.
The first thing you taste is corn starch. They're coated in it because Jelly Babies were originally made before they figured out other ways to remove the candy from the molds. I think it's left on mostly for posterity, since it doesn't add to the flavor at all. In my opinion, they even leave too much of it on, it leaves sort of a dusty feeling your mouth.
So... in conclusion, I can't speak too well of these candies, nor will I buying any more of them.
I have to give these things a 4 out 10 on the candy scale.
To clarify, I bought Bassets Jelly Babies, if there are better ones out there, please let me know.
COMING SOON: Wine gums review! (sort of like British jujubes?)
I just had a look at the reviews on Amazon. A lot of people really love these, but some folks also feel the same way I do. I just wanted to include this to be fair to everyone.
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I hate jelly babies. The texture is awful, and goes even worse when you chew them for a moment. The taste is bland, as you said. And you already had the best ones (Basset's), so the cheaper ones are usually even worse.

I'd never heard of them before I came to the UK.

I'm not a big fan of jelly things at all, but if it has to be jelly, try Haribo GoldBears. Better known as GummyBears I think. Only jelly stuff that is decent.

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I haven't had jelly bellies in soo long! I'm not really a huge fan. Then again, I never really ate much candy. I'm more of a chocolate kind of girl. I'll take chocolate coated almonds any day of the week! As for Wine Gums, disgusting is the only word that comes to mind. They're hard to chew and the flavors are awful. My mom loves them. She used to get them for Christmas every year. Nope, not for me. Chocolate please!
Depends on what kind of wine gums you get. There are good ones and bad ones out there. I found that it also depends a lot on which country they come from.
I much prefer Jelly Fetuses.



