jealous friends..?


New member
I had a best friend for quite a few years living here in AL. but now she just ignores me and is very rude to me~ talking bads things behind my back~ ever since I lost weight...

my friend said he overheard her saying how jealous she was of my new body now that I've lost weight~

Now I don't understand why she'd break such a great friendship over something like that! O_O

Should I try talking to her~ or just back off?
I understand how you feel about your friend but she obviously doesn't feel the same way. If she did, she would be supportive of you even if she is a little jealous. I say move on and cut your loses. It's not likely she will change and you desever better, more supportive friends in your life.

Oh and congratulations on your wieght loss, that's fantastic!
If she is mad at you for losing weight and talks behind your back, she isnt worth keeping as a friend.

I am +50 pounds and my friends are the exact same to me
I know that the situation really sucks. However, some people are so insuecure about who they are and how they feel about themselves that they cant be happy and supportive for you. They are so worked up in their jealousy that they cant see past it.

And as hard as it might be...that is not a true friend anway,and you are better off not having her around, she sounds like she is a toxic person and I am sure that if you look over some of her actions over the years that you were friends, you might see a pattern of it.

However, if you want to try to save the friendship then maybe you could talk to her about helping her with a weightloss program or start to bulid up her self esteeme.

Best of all...dont let the comments that she says bother you. I know it is easier said than done, but her seeing you upset is only going to add fuel to the fire and make her do it more. And if you see her walking around smile at her. Eventually she will stop and maybe if she sees that you are still smiling and happy she might come to her senses and appologize for her actions.