Jaw Wiring?


New member
So has anyone heard of Jaw wiring for weight loss surgery, Ive been thinking about it for a little while and decided to investigate it. I think its kind of crazy--but theres a part of me that would do it, but then again Im sure once I got the wires taken off I would just scarf all solid food and regain my weight. Not to mention im a big talker so that might be sad news for 6 months unable to talk or kiss or laugh lol. What do you guys think??

Heres a link to an article:
I have someone very close to my family who had her jaw wired shut for legitimate reasons. In her case weight came off (she didn't have the surgery for anything to do with weight loss), and she gained it all back. She was 210 lbs just very recently.

This seems like a dumb idea. You're better off just learning to carry healthy habbits around for the rest of your life.

Edit: What does having your jaw wired shut teach you anyways? Oooo starvation and liquids diets are the best way to get healthy.

Yeah, no.
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I have someone very close to my family who had her jaw wired shut for legitimate reasons. In her case weight came off (she didn't have the surgery for anything to do with weight loss), and she gained it all back. She was 210 lbs just very recently.

This seems like a dumb idea. You're better off just learning to carry healthy habbits around for the rest of your life.

Edit: What does having your jaw wired shut teach you anyways? Oooo starvation and liquids diets are the best way to get healthy.

Yeah, no.

Lol I completely understand, a part of me thinks it is a completely drastic and unecessary surgery but it amazes me the extent to what people would do to lose weight--theyd sacrifice their use of speech and ability to eat just for vanity purposes. I wonder what the weight re-gain percentage is? Im betting its pretty high...
i've never heard of it and think its really quite a silly idea who ever invented it must have been nuts!
i would think the best way is the hardest way, healthy diet and excercise!
ughh, that would be absolutely horrible. i don't even know how people that do this get enough calories to even function normally on a day to day basis. i'd probably be consuming a gallon of ice cream or milkshakes daily and would gain weight.
ughh, that would be absolutely horrible. i don't even know how people that do this get enough calories to even function normally on a day to day basis. i'd probably be consuming a gallon of ice cream or milkshakes daily and would gain weight.

notice how it says "you'll get enough calories to get through a day", i wouldnt ever wanna just be able to "get through a day", id wanna get through it and still feel like a person. they make it sound like you're barely gonna function but that's okay!!!

Idnno how people can do that on purpose!
I've heard of it, but only for extreme situations. Looking at your avatar picture, you absolutely do not need to have your jaw wired shut. I would think that would be a last ditch resort for someone who needs to lose over 100 lbs, not 40.

I can totally sympathize with wanting to lose your weight as quickly as possible - I feel this way a lot too- but I don't think surgery is the best answer for you.
I've heard of it, but only for extreme situations. Looking at your avatar picture, you absolutely do not need to have your jaw wired shut. I would think that would be a last ditch resort for someone who needs to lose over 100 lbs, not 40.

I can totally sympathize with wanting to lose your weight as quickly as possible - I feel this way a lot too- but I don't think surgery is the best answer for you.

Haha Oh I know, Id never do it--I just wanted to know what others think. I am actually going to be a RD (registered dietitian) within the year and I think this would only be for few extreemmme cases--no worries I didnt ever think I would have to resort to this, I was just curious as all.
The year: 1984

The scene: Car crash.

The damages: Totaled pick up in a telephone pole.

The infliction: Broken jaw.

The Cure: Jaw wired shut for four weeks.

The weight loss: 35 lbs.

Notes: I could handle peanut butter milk shakes and Campbell's Tomato Soup (with milk - no water, thank you). Everything else was a fail. We tried multiple purees. They all made me wanna puke.

I didn't consume alcohol during being wired. Though I was given a small pair of scissors to carry with me at all times in case I did vomit, I still wasn't going to risk it. I just smoked weed instead of risking choking in my own puke.

Of all the torturous memories from beginning to end (and believe me, every single day was complete misery) was the midway point when they reduced the pressure by removing 50% of the rubber bands to start getting the jaw muscle to start loosening up. I guess jaw muscle can atrophy and gradual stages of pressure release is important.

Anyway, the pain from the spasms were so intense, I had to go to the ER and get Demerol shots followed up with a cough syrup-type pain killer I took for two days after.

After I got down to only 20% of the rubber bands remaining, I remember trying to stick Kraft Mac-n-Cheese noodles in where I had a missing molar and no bands to block the enter. You want a really fun mindfuck, try eating a dish of mac one noodle at a time and smashing it with your tongue. I think I gave up after like 8 noodles.

The day I was able to eat again, it wasn't like the event you think you're gonna have. You want 12 Big Macs and 7 Whoppers and two Pan Pizzas but your jaws are so sore and 'uneducated', eating is a pain in the ass. All told, it took several days to chew normally again.

Now my Mandible was snapped the whole way, tho not dangling and such, I can't imagine how terrible of an accident one would have to have to get wired for two months or longer.

I wouldn't wish this on anyone for any reason. Echoing what everyone said in here, there is no benefit to having this done. I'm sure we've all wished for 'If I get through it one time like this, I'll keep it off'. Been there, done that.

I think I gained back all of it and more within 3 months.
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The year: 1984

The scene: Car crash.

The damages: Totaled pick up in a telephone pole.

The infliction: Broken jaw.

The Cure: Jaw wired shut for four weeks.

The weight loss: 35 lbs.

Notes: I could handle peanut butter milk shakes and Campbell's Tomato Soup (with milk - no water, thank you). Everything else was a fail. We tried multiple purees. They all made me wanna puke.

I didn't consume alcohol during being wired. Though I was given a small pair of scissors to carry with me at all times in case I did vomit, I still wasn't going to risk it. I just smoked weed instead of risking choking in my own puke.

Of all the torturous memories from beginning to end (and believe me, every single day was complete misery) was the midway point when they reduced the pressure by removing 50% of the rubber bands to start getting the jaw muscle to start loosening up. I guess jaw muscle can atrophy and gradual stages of pressure release is important.

Anyway, the pain from the spasms were so intense, I had to go to the ER and get Demerol shots followed up with a cough syrup-type pain killer I took for two days after.

After I got down to only 20% of the rubber bands remaining, I remember trying to stick Kraft Mac-n-Cheese noodles in where I had a missing molar and no bands to block the enter. You want a really fun mindfuck, try eating a dish of mac one noodle at a time and smashing it with your tongue. I think I gave up after like 8 noodles.

The day I was able to eat again, it wasn't like the event you think you're gonna have. You want 12 Big Macs and 7 Whoppers and two Pan Pizzas but your jaws are so sore and 'uneducated', eating is a pain in the ass. All told, it took several days to chew normally again.

Now my Mandible was snapped the whole way, tho not dangling and such, I can't imagine how terrible of an accident one would have to have to get wired for two months or longer.

I wouldn't wish this on anyone for any reason. Echoing what everyone said in here, there is no benefit to having this done. I'm sure we've all wished for 'If I get through it one time like this, I'll keep it off'. Been there, done that.

I think I gained back all of it and more within 3 months.

Yikes! Very informative--thanks for sharing, I was hoping someone would have a personal story to share like that--I guess it really does explain the misery people would be willing to go through just to lose a few lbs..
Yikes! Very informative--thanks for sharing, I was hoping someone would have a personal story to share like that--I guess it really does explain the misery people would be willing to go through just to lose a few lbs..

Two afterthoughts:

The anxiety I had was pure evil. Your breathing is different and scary. I panicked pretty good though I did mellow out eventually. The pressure your face goes through is unbearable the first week.

The second one I didn't see coming nor was I forewarned about. This took years to come full circle.

They interlace the wires between each tooth so tightly it cracks the enamel. Every spot they broke eventually became a cavity. They will damage your teeth and there isn't a thing you can do about it except spend tons of cash at your dentist.
Two afterthoughts:

The anxiety I had was pure evil. Your breathing is different and scary. I panicked pretty good though I did mellow out eventually. The pressure your face goes through is unbearable the first week.

The second one I didn't see coming nor was I forewarned about. This took years to come full circle.

They interlace the wires between each tooth so tightly it cracks the enamel. Every spot they broke eventually became a cavity. They will damage your teeth and there isn't a thing you can do about it except spend tons of cash at your dentist.

That sounds awful..thank you so much for sharing--you are a brave brave man!
I never had my jaw wired shut, but I was in a car accident in 2003. The air bag didnt go off and my seat belt didn't lock in a brand new huge truck. My face hit the dash and I bit through my bottom lip(alot of stitches) and lost a front tooth(had to get a new one screwed into my jawbone!). I couldn't eat for a few weeks. I had to get braces, different retainers. It sucked so badly. Right after my accident My mother would put mac and cheese in a blender.....It was awful! I think I drank ensure alot.

I recently watched an intervention where a lady would eat from the tube she had put in her stomach when she had swallowing issues. She left her feeding tube in for like 6 years when it was supposed to be in for a few months! It seems so insane to me! The fact that she would "feed" herself in public seemed awful! No one wants to see someone stick a syringe to the bleeding hole in their stomach in public. Heres the story..

Here name is nicole. I normally cry a lot during these shows...