Jaime's Diary (GlitteredBliss)


New member
Day 1: ok so day 1 hasnt really begun for me yet. Ive been on and off diets since I had my first daughter 4 years ago and gainned alot of weight. I started the weight watchers diet in Januarey of 2005 and lost 25ls, and was feeling beyond great about myself, which only motivates you to do better and lose more and be more active. But I then found out I was pregnant again in April of that same year... I get morning sickness super bad and I basically dropped the diet to try to eat anything I could stand that wouldnt make me ill. But after the morning sicness subsided (about 2-3 months into my pregnany) I was still eatting anything. And everything really. I didnt care while I was pregnant, who does. But now Ive had my 2nd daughter the end of November 2005 and Im just sick of being so fat. I have like zero energy for my children, and I tend to stay up super late, I let them too so we can all sleep in the next day. Which of course makes me feel like crap to have slept most of the day away... very depressing and it must make my children feel the same. My children miss out because I am in bad health physically which depresses me and makes me unhealthy emotionally too. When I do take my daughter outside (shes 4) she wants to run and play with someone, and I just dont have that energy. I love being outdoors and she does too, but I never really feel like I can be active outdoors. I want to exercise, as well as change my way of eating, but I need something low impact to start out doing since I find it difficult getting into, things that are too difficult for my body to do, I get discouraged trying. Seeing skinney, healthy people doing what I cannot. I want to be able to do those things eventually but I gotta have a step one before I can have a step two. I think Ill grocery shop tomorrow, try to get some healthier foods in here, so Im not so tempted. But its hard to change, but I guess trying to change is the first real step I can make. If I never try, they I can never succeed, and I want nothing more than to succeed.
Having babies is such an earth-altering even isn't it? But, somehow we think that since you are a few years (months) past giving birth you should have it all back together again. Life is tough. It is hard getting everything "back" together. Congratulations on finding this board! These women all know what it is like to struggle with weight loss and a good portion of them know what it is to struggle with parenthood.
I'm a mother of three boys (my oldest turns 6 in a month) and I know! When I found this board I had recently had a 2nd trimester miscarriage and I had three young boys and I just wanted my life back! I was tired of being flabby and I knew it was time to do something for myself.
I think going grocery shopping for some healthier choices is a good idea. Get yourself a fun mug or glass so that you can fill up on water.
I'm sure you feel overwhelmed by all the changes you want to make or think you need to make. Take your time. Focus on one or two things at a time and then add some stuff. Maybe this week you aim for eating so many fruits or vegetables everyday and drinking water. Then next week you add a walk or two.
As far as getting out with the girls... from what you've mentioned it sounds like you really want to get those girls to bed earlier (and yourself!). Then you could get in some park time in the morning. Do you have nice parks around your house? I know my boys and I go to the park at least twice a week, sometimes 4 times a week. Just to get out!
Phew, I've rambled on here in your diary. I'm just so excited for you as you begin this journey. Please take time for yourself and keep us posted!
I totally get where you are coming from, my littel girl will be four next month and it has taken me this long to get back to pre-pregnancy weight with her...I got pregnant again when she was 9 months old and had not managed to lose much of my weight at that stage...

It is a lot of hard work and now that I'm below even my pre-pregnancy weight with her it feels great.

You have taken the first step and have come to the right place for support:D

Have you heard about the clothesline diet, ...it is a book and I have never read it so don't know the authors name, but she basically began her exercise programme walking around the clothesline and gradually building up the amount of times she could do it...then moving onto walking away from home when she felt she was fit enough...

I guess what she acheived is that whole one step at a time thing...you have to take small steps to achieve big goals....

You know, WANTING to change, PLANNING to change and ACTUALLY CHANGING are very different steps, all of which are hard. Ive wanted to change for years, but never found courage to plan for a change I a wholeheartedly believe setting a goal, or deadline even will help me strive for something... a due date if you will, something to work at, and a time to pay up... then maybe when I reach my goal... my payment wont be out, it will be in... it will be success but maybe a great reward for myself too. Im still trying to work out the PLAN of action for my change, but its still a step further than the rut of just wishing for a change, like my fairy godmother would come and grant it for me. I have been overwhelmed with the overall HUGE change I will have to make to not only my eating habits, but every habit and aspect of my life thus far... and my familys. But I know I want this not only for myself, but to give them the gift my family didnt give me... a better understanding of a living healthly lifestyle. I want to instill, good food ethics, not bad... and I never exercised as a child I want us to do it as a family, so they know they will always have someone to back them in it, they arent alone in their health, Im in it with them. Jeez sounds kinda strange, but in my head (and heart) it makes sense. My children are 4 years and 6 months, and I want to learn good life choices before my bad ones affect them too deeply. I like the idea of, starting a few small goals... then as I add them to my life successfully I add a few more. I was definitely fearing "the cold turkey" part of my life change, but I think the gradual way is the way to go. I bought a pedometer, and though Im not positive how many miles or steps... I should take/walk Im going to figure out what I do walk in a normal day then maybe add a mile, or half mile then increase it, I think thats a pretty good start. Water is a big thing too, I try to drink but I usually only get in maybe 2 glasses at most when I realy try. I love TInkerbell and I have a really cute thermal cup with her on it I think Ill try filling her up a few times a day then giving myself the "tally marks" on the calender. I think Ill start that away try to eat 2 more fruits or veggies than I normally do, even if they replace a snack. Increase my water intake greatly by day, and add a 1/2 mile to a mile walk daily... depends on which I can actually get thru. Ok starting tomorrow it is settled.
I Think You Will Do Awsome You Have A Wonderful Outlook And Goals!
Wow I can totaly relate to you with the kids thing. I went from 80kg to 105kg when pg with my first, then got pg with my son and gained another 20kg. think I would of learnt the first time but I also sufferd bad morning sickness, if I didnt eat every half an hour or so I would be sick. Unfortunantly my morning sickness never went away I had it for 7mths straight with daughter then had a mth off then it started again till she was born my son I had it all the way through. It mucks up your life big time. I often feel bad for my kids as they are 5 and 2 now and full of energy and deserve a mum who can play with them, I am always inlisting friends to come over and do stuff with them which makes me feel horriable I cant be the one to chase them around. But I do beleive we will get there, we have to hey we owe it to those kids of ours. I am over the restrictive diet thing now as he doesnt stick long term. I am just starting to cut out the junk looking closer at the caleries, and starting with the exercise, slowly adding a little more each time to it. I think slow changes are the way to go that way we will keep them long term and pass on good eating habbits to our kids. I know you can do well at this and were all here to support each other.