I've read that cutting carbs is unhealthy, but all my friends are losing weight ?


New member
"You'll be better able to maintain your weight loss if you don't have to permanently eliminate or restrict a single food group," explains Densie Webb, R.D. Low-carb diets are designed for short stints because your body simply cannot function without carbohydrates for very long. Diets that have this as their weight loss technique are appealing because they promise quick results, but studies show that after 12 months, they provide no greater weight loss benefit than a typical reduced-calorie, low-fat diet. Slow, steady weight loss is much easier to maintain for life, says Elisa Zied, R.D., a spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association.
Hi there!

Not all carbs are bad. Fruit isn't bad. Vegetables and lentils are good for you even when trying to lose weight... Whole grain rice is also good for you and won't make you gain any weight. I think limiting bread and pasta, or going without it is very helpful. There are lots of crackers you can choose instead, like rice or made of other healthier flours. And I just found that there are lots of noodles you can choose from in the health food stores that is not made of wheat, like kelp.
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