I've developed a workout plan, but I think it might need work...

Hey all!
Recently I've been working out a good workout to develop my abs. I've eventually hoping for a 6-pack, but even a 4-pack will be absolutely amazing. I am 14, 5' 5" (yes, I know I'm short... :rolleyes: ), 102 lbs.
Here's my plan:

Ab Work Set (#1)
Crunches (1 x 15)
Reverse Crunches (1 x 15)
Side Crunches (1 x 15)

Ab Work Set (#2)
Side Crunches (1 x 15)
Reverse Crunches (1 x 15)
Crunches (1 x 15)

Ab Work Set (#3)
Crunches (1 x 15)
Reverse Crunches (1 x 15)
Side Crunches (1 x 15)

Each set is to be done on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
Of course, I will eat right to take fat off my stomach.
Do I need to add anything else?
Also, if I follow this perfectly, increasing the number of reps every 1.5-2 weeks or so, how long should this take before I get noticable results?


do 3 sets with no more than 30 to a minute rest between each one
u should increase it no more than every two weeks to get big muscles
and u should vary the exercises u do ure body will get use to that exercise
ill post my pe home work in 2 days lol its to get 5-10 ab workouts
u need to do cardio three times a week ure 14 so u should be gettin an hour a day according to the nhs but that will include ure crunches etc
hang on a sec ure not short thats tall for 14 ure very slim though make sure ure gettin enough protein.
luv becca
First of all, dont work your abs 3 times a week. Do other exercises that work other parts of your body. Such as squats. this will create more muscle mass, and speed up you metabolism so you burn fat faster. Also, if you want abs, you probably dont need to develop more muscle, you need to get rid of the fat around your stomach. do cardio, such as running, or biking, and watch your diet.