It's wrong but it worked!! I need advice.


New member
OK let me start by saying that I am 150lbs over weight and I am only 25. My thing with exercise is that I once I fall out from doing it, it is long before I get started again. Little over a year ago I lost 50 lbs by strict dieting and exercise. But when my grandmother died last summer and my familial responsibilities tripled, I fell of the wagon again and gained 40 of them back.

Now here is my scenario: Since I am trying to get back into working out again I realized the fatigue was too much. I noticed that if I was trying go out dancing and drinking it seemed like my stamina was better than actually working out. So today I decided to try having a drink before following along on an exercise video. I researched and found that alcohol actually suppresses the oxidation of fat cells which means they cant be burned so to counteract that I supplemented during the entire workout with water containing liquid oxygen. Its weird but I was able to get through 2 workout sessions and I feel fine. No after-effects of the alcohol or anything. So I was able to lower my inhibitions enough to enjoy it and I really feel the burn.

Question: I need to know if anyone can tell me the lasting negative effects of continuing this even if I kept it to strictly one drink per day to make the workout more endurable?
You don't have the energy, because your body isn't used to it yet. Those are some really bad habits to get into... In order for your energy levels to improve while you're exercising, then sorry, but you'll just need to push through the fatigue until your fitness improves. The other option is to start slower, then build up the amount of exercise slowly.
Bah hum bug!!! LOL No but your right.I was just trying to make it so that I will want to go back to exercising. I'm just gonna have to suck it up. Thanks

I know... it's not easy, but it won't take long for your energy levels to improve if you're consistent.