Its time to do this, Time to own this, Time to live this, Time to love this!
Its time to do life, Time to own life, Time to live life, Time to love life!
Weight Goal Stats
Current Weight
Your weight is 181 lb as of 06/08/2008.
Weight Goal
Your goal is to weigh 155 lb by 02/15/2009
Goal Progress
You are currently 26 lb above the target weight.
The deadline for your goal is 252 days (36 weeks, 0 days) away.
To meet your goal you need to lose about 0.722 lb per week.
Just getting my diet in check will own this.
Droped most of the junk food, eating healthy, drinking as much water as i can.
Sun, Tues, Thurs.
dynamic flexibility warmup
Hindu Pushups 1x10, (goal: 5x20) [At 5x20 ill prob tade them for something else]
Crunches 3x10, (goal: 5x20) [At 5x20 ill look for something harder]
Squats 2x10, (goal: 5x20) [At 5x20 ill try one leg squats or weighted squats]
Push-Ups 2x15, (goal: 10x20) [By 10x20 ill have a harder push-up for Hindu Pushup (decline maybe) so ill add weight to my reg pushup]
Reverse Crunch 3x10, (goal: 5x20) [At 5x20 ill look for something harder]
Toe Presses 2x25, (every other work out ill use squat toe presses
Jumping Jacks 2x50 (goal: dont know, maybe build up to 1x200??)
light static stretching
Mon, Wed.
dynamic flexibility warmup
Walk 2miles there, (goal: i would like to build to a run, but its hilly and i dont have 100$s for shoes)
Swim 30min-1hour, (goal: 30 mins just swiming without havin to stop)
Walk 2miles back
static stretching
dynamic flexibility warmup
HIIT walk/sprint, when I get better shoes
more to come
Age = 15
Sex = Male
Weight = 195 lbs
Height = 6'0
Body Fat = 23.6
BMI = 26.17
Its time to do this, Time to own this, Time to live this, Time to love this!
Its time to do life, Time to own life, Time to live life, Time to love life!
Weight Goal Stats
Current Weight
Your weight is 181 lb as of 06/08/2008.
Weight Goal
Your goal is to weigh 155 lb by 02/15/2009
Goal Progress
You are currently 26 lb above the target weight.
The deadline for your goal is 252 days (36 weeks, 0 days) away.
To meet your goal you need to lose about 0.722 lb per week.
Just getting my diet in check will own this.
Droped most of the junk food, eating healthy, drinking as much water as i can.
Sun, Tues, Thurs.
dynamic flexibility warmup
Hindu Pushups 1x10, (goal: 5x20) [At 5x20 ill prob tade them for something else]
Crunches 3x10, (goal: 5x20) [At 5x20 ill look for something harder]
Squats 2x10, (goal: 5x20) [At 5x20 ill try one leg squats or weighted squats]
Push-Ups 2x15, (goal: 10x20) [By 10x20 ill have a harder push-up for Hindu Pushup (decline maybe) so ill add weight to my reg pushup]
Reverse Crunch 3x10, (goal: 5x20) [At 5x20 ill look for something harder]
Toe Presses 2x25, (every other work out ill use squat toe presses
Jumping Jacks 2x50 (goal: dont know, maybe build up to 1x200??)
light static stretching
Mon, Wed.
dynamic flexibility warmup
Walk 2miles there, (goal: i would like to build to a run, but its hilly and i dont have 100$s for shoes)
Swim 30min-1hour, (goal: 30 mins just swiming without havin to stop)
Walk 2miles back
static stretching
dynamic flexibility warmup
HIIT walk/sprint, when I get better shoes
more to come
Age = 15
Sex = Male
Weight = 195 lbs
Height = 6'0
Body Fat = 23.6
BMI = 26.17
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