It's about time.


New member
I'm fed up with my current lifestyle and have made the decision to dedicate some time completely to self-improvement. I've been battling depression for a while and I just blew up. It's as simple as that, the laziness took over. I gained a ridiculous amount of weight in a short amount of time, and now I need to lose it.

I've been lurking around this site for a while, and your stories are inspiring. I had such mixed feelings looking through your progress. On one hand I was happy to see someone changing their life in the most gratifying way, but a deep shame quickly made me want to never come back. I still did though, and now I'm ready to become an active member of this community.

I looked at the scale last night and was overwhelmed with disbelief. How could I let myself get to 235 pounds? I'm 19, 5'1" and have 100 lbs to lose.
My life has been stagnant, and I'm making the decision to leave the nest in about 3 months. I'm quitting my job to focus solely on my schooling and weight-loss. I have no idea where to start but I will.
Evolutn, I feel your pain! I've reached my breaking point with my lifestyle, eating habits, lack of exercise and motivation that caused me to be 60lbs overweight.

It's important to let go of the bad decisions that led you to where you are today., including not joining the forum sooner :) I previously lost 50lbs and I've gained 60 since then. You have to give yourself some tough love to recognize you're faults, but a positive attitude is going to get you way further than worrying about what you should have done.

A quick suggestion to get started on a healthier lifestyle is to acknowledge what you're doing wrong daily. Start with the simple stuff that you can easily correct.
For instance, do you drink enough water? ()
Or, are you willing and able to spend 15 minutes a day walking? What about 30?

I hope I have been of some help. I'll be more than happy to do this with you!