ITB band

My left knee has a tendancy to bother my. not so much on the track but on the road the most. Its not an every run occurance. I think i figured it out. I think its my ITB band. there is no swelling. only pain when im running, no fluid build up. and ill say i get the pain 1 out of every 3 runs.

any input or ways to get that pain to go away. i stretch it laying on my side bottom leg up towards my chest back leg towards my buttox. like in mid stride. works pretty good but any other info would be appriciated.
That article says that IT band problems are often poor butt muscle condition. I've got the same thing, so maybe I'll try to start squatting more.

"If you've ever had Iliotibial Band syndrome (ITBS), you've experienced this trickle-down effect probably without realizing it. Runners who develop ITBS tend to curse their knees because that's where they feel the pain. But weak glutes are often responsible. The iliotibial band runs from the pelvis down the side of the thigh to the knee, so when it's stressed, pain can radiate anywhere along its path the glute, hip, thigh, or knee. "
ITB problem

I have the same problem when I run more than 5 miles usually. A trick that I learned was using pre-wrap. I just cut a piece off and tie it about 2 inches above my knee. It has worked for me and it's cheaper than buying any type of brace. I also pre-stretch and post-stretch and I usually take an aleve before I head out for my longer runs.

Invest in a stick or foam roll. Using either is referred to as Self Myofascial Release (SMR). Using a stick you simply apply pressure and roll along the lateral (outside) aspect of the leg from just above the knee to just below greater trochanter (hip bone). Apply as much pressure as you can handle. Using a foam roll, lie the foam roll perpendicular to your body and lay on it just below the trochanter. Keeping the bottom leg straight roll yourself (requires some upper body strength) over the foam roll until it reaches the knee, then roll back up. Play with the position of the foam roll (or the stick for that matter) until you find the path of most resistance, meaning a path where you get the most pain. This is like giving yourself a deep tissue massage. The IT band is tight and is pulling on the knee, by doing this you can release some of the tension. I also agree with the butt strengthening, your hips need more stabilization to protect your joints. Another possible culprit might be your shoes, sometimes all you need to do is get some new shoes. Hope that was clear enough, good luck.
All the advice you have gotten is correct. But start putting a wet wash cloth or something a little longer in the freezer before your run. After the run take the wash cloth out of the freezer and put it on your knee and lastly rap an ace banage around the cloth and your knee. Remove everything when the cloth has thowed and is warm to the touch. Also google: running knee inorder to get exercises to strenthen your muscles.