italian sweetie


New member
Hi, everyone Im having a hard time finding the right diet plan that won't make me broke,or sick to my stomach. I tried la weight loss, but that was a like paying for a mortgage every month. The center has a lot of hidden fees. Im 29 years old and a stay at home mom of two boys. I need to lose at least 15 pounds before July. Please help me.
what's the deadline in july and why 15lbs?

what's your current height and weight?

What is your current food plan look like?

What kind of exercise do you get?

There really is no one size fits all program that works where you eat a specific menu -what works for you is the program that you will stick with...

Weight loss is really a matter of using more calories than you take in.

Are youo using any kind of online food journal to track your calories?
My plan cost me zero dinero . I count calories on paper or a free website- It works and really doesn't take much time. After a few weeks you pretty much know how many cal's without looking it up.
Yea, I really don't advocate searching for a "program." Rather, long-term adherence and success is more likely when you learn the basics and apply them to yourself. It's free and very customizable. :)

And it's not rocket science.

Burn more calories than you eat.

Do the right kinds of exercises.

Don't eat crap on a consistent basis.

That's pretty much it.