" isostrap"

Mate the other day I got the isometric strap. Been using it heaps & I can feel the strength greatly increasing... Alaxander Zass used a similiar technique years ago in the first world war. He was captured by the germans/ HE WAS CHAINED to a wall & he pulled against the chains/ increasing his tendon strength , & power. till he could pull out the chains & snap them with his bare hands. he then ripped out 1 of the iron bars & bent it into a hook then escaped. out of the window after he bent the bars.:)
Later he went around europe demonstrating his amazing strength, people would bring chains out of the ordiance , he'd snap them with his bare hands.
If you sniff around the net you can find lots of info on him & his system.:D
He was 1 of the original masters in isometrics/:) :cool: :D ;)