Is weight gain powder ideal for me?

hello everybody

I was using GNC's whey protein powder (20gms per scoop) for about a month, but my gym trainer instructed me to start using the 50gm per scoop one.

So just today i got myself the new pack which has 50 g of protein and its called weight gain 2200 gold by GNC.

I was wonderin if the consumption of this one would have any adverse effects.I'm 18 years old.
I weigh about 70 kilos and am 5 feet 9 inches tall. My body's in good shape and am not lanky. I just want to increase my muscle mass .
What i want to know and need advice on is wheteher i can use the 50gms of protein powder product or should i stick back to the 20gms protein powder one??
this weight gainer is nothing more than protein powder and sugar. you'd be better off with a straight protein powder, and get your simple carbs from other sources.

even if you just bought a bag of the RIGHT kind of simple sugar, it'd be hella cheaper than GNC stuff.

You're better off getting your calories from good, real food.

If you want to up your protein intake, use two scoops. Or drink more than 1 shake during the day. I noticed a while ago that the difference between the GNC weight gainer 1850 and 2200 was the size of the serving.