Is this workout alright?

Hi all I'm new here... Just wanted to share my type of workout and hear from some professionals here if I'm doing anything wrong or give me any tips for improvement, thankyou ^_^

This period I've been doing this workout every other day.
I do 'Max out' (is that the right term?) Sets of Pushups and Situps, alternatively.

So I start off with pushups, do as many as I can, then I do pretty much immediately after, (30 secs rest) Sit ups, as many as I can.
After the situps I rest 2 to 2 and a half minutes at the Most, and then repeat the same thing again.
I usually do about 6 sets of each exercise, (7 if I'm in a good mood and not tired) added up it comes to a total of 150 pushups, and 240 situps. (It varies slighly from day to day) I think if I keep doing it regularly, every time maybe even 1 pushup more I do is improvement.
I also do a few dips after this, and have been trying handstand pushups on the wall, only get about 3 though and I'm worried aboutthe wrists LOL
In summer I do pullups aswell outside on a tree branch, I wish I had a pull up bar inside to do some more biceps!!! I love pullups lol
I throw in a few heel raises and squats, but I need bigger dumbells to make them harder.

So, do you guys think I should try doing this everyday? Or is it better to have a rest day in between as I'm doing now?

My main issue, I wanted to ask this: I get quite an annoying pain in my lower back during situps, is it bad??? I keep going, I can do upto 70 in a row for the first set, but towards the end it 'hurts' a little in my lower back occasionally it kind of makes a little crack... I donow, i don't want to stop, but I'm worried I'm making it worse???

Ok thanks for reading anyone who does. God bless.
If your first 'max' say for push ups is 30 or over why dont u try doing 10 set of 20 or 25 that way u get more reps, muscles work harder and u could have better gains, i rarely do max stuff as I am stuffed after 3rd set. every couple of onths i will do max stuff just to see any strength progress.
Try planks or leg raises i get same thing from sit ups, and palnks /leg raises on branch/bad works more effectively than sit ups any way. u can do max for time when doing planks that is best way. hope that helps

So, I need some Help or Advice here.

I have been Boxing over 5 months now, and mainly that is my Workout, 3 times a week, and it combines Cardio, and involves pretty much EVERY muscle group. It definitely is amazing and I'm so happy with how I feel.

Anyhow I've been working out on the 'rest days' aswell.
I can't be bothered to go to gym too much stress following the freaking program and it's far away and 'dirty' imo, I dislike it.
I use body weight to workout.
Also I can't really afford or have space at home for the bench and dumbells I wanted to buy anyway...

That's why I've been doing pushups and situps on my rest days aswell.
I am a bit tired of it though, and personally, I can do Tons of situps, of all kinds, each set I do a different type to switch it up and do higher lower and lateral Abs, but honestly, Pushup wise? I haven't really seen that much progress after months:-(
The best I can do is 40 pushups in a row on the first set, with a normal width of arms just a bit wider than shoulders. 40 at the Most.
Then the next sets are usually 28, then 22, and less and less as I get tired.

So I decided to switch it up.
I do one set of pushups and then one of situps, alternating them, I do about 3 or 4 sets each. But I decided, to work my triceps more, to do One of pushups, and then One of Dips, using a small table I have. I somehow feel this is Better. I focus more on the Chest with pushups now, and on triceps with dips.
And situps in between as always, no problems with them.
Also, no matter what, I can't get a damn pull up bar in my room god dammit, so I've been doing it on a branch outside, but honestly it ****ing sucks, I mean it's the only branch that's nearly flat and parallel but it's not really, and it puts me off -.-
Anyway, I added some pullups so I get some Bicep work aswell and back, but I really need a pull up bar.

But I have 2 Questions/Problems:

1. I get a full workout anyway with boxing, but I add my workout to get more muscle, (hopefully) back, chest and triceps especially, as shoulders, forearms, legs and abs are worked out loads when boxing. But anyway, I never feel satisfied, yeah I feel fit and they tell me I am looking good, nearly underweight infact, but I donow, not happy. And I'm sticking to Body weight routines.

The problem is, is it okay, to workout basically everyday like I'm doing?
If I don't workout on the rest day after boxing, I feel 'guilty' somehow... Or do I need to rest and do nothing on the 'other day' in between Boxing training?
Is it fine to do situps and pushups everyday basically?

2nd problem, My DAMN Wrists. :///

I'm very worried about them. They're under stress boxing mostly, and that is okay I like fighting and whatever. But especially when I do Dips, I get Great pain in the wrist, I mean like, the ligaments hurt, annoyingly, at the end... And push ups aswell, when doing closer width, that's why I do Dips, but they hurt anyway -.-...

So should I get push ups bars? And also, Can I put the push up bars on the table and do Dips with them aswell?

Or should I wrap my hands at home aswell like at gym? does that help the wrist in pushups or dips? I donow, I mean the position is the same...

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Hey man,
I just seen your routine. It looks good, in my opinion at least. As far as pullups go, you can go to wal mart and get a pull up bar that attaches to the door frame. It wouldn't cost too much, and it latches itself, no nails or anything.
Just trying to help, i don't know your situation or anything.

Also, if i were you, i would not do pushups and situps every day. If you feel like you need to do them that frequently, then at least do it every other. Your muscles grow at rest, not while you're working them.

As for your wrists, if it's ligaments, i work for vitamin shoppe, and there are joint vitamins that may help with your ligaments as well. You can always go in and ask a worker, because i am not fully aware of your symptoms. But yes, you can invest in push up handles. As far as doing dips with them like on the table, i am not sure.

And i also admire your desire to stick to bodyweight exercises. I feel that bodyweight exercises are the most underlooked type of exercising when it comes to resistance. Great job man. Keep up the good work.
If your first 'max' say for push ups is 30 or over why dont u try doing 10 set of 20 or 25 that way u get more reps, muscles work harder and u could have better gains, i rarely do max stuff as I am stuffed after 3rd set. every couple of onths i will do max stuff just to see any strength progress.
Try planks or leg raises i get same thing from sit ups, and palnks /leg raises on branch/bad works more effectively than sit ups any way. u can do max for time when doing planks that is best way. hope that helps
Great response bro, if i could give you reps points i would!
Hey man,
I just seen your routine. It looks good, in my opinion at least. As far as pullups go, you can go to wal mart and get a pull up bar that attaches to the door frame. It wouldn't cost too much, and it latches itself, no nails or anything.
Just trying to help, i don't know your situation or anything.

Also, if i were you, i would not do pushups and situps every day. If you feel like you need to do them that frequently, then at least do it every other. Your muscles grow at rest, not while you're working them.

As for your wrists, if it's ligaments, i work for vitamin shoppe, and there are joint vitamins that may help with your ligaments as well. You can always go in and ask a worker, because i am not fully aware of your symptoms. But yes, you can invest in push up handles. As far as doing dips with them like on the table, i am not sure.

And i also admire your desire to stick to bodyweight exercises. I feel that bodyweight exercises are the most underlooked type of exercising when it comes to resistance. Great job man. Keep up the good work.

Hi Joshb12 :)
Thankyou So much for taking the time for the reply, so much appreciated and very helpful! Thanks :)

About the bar, yeah, I thought about it ^_^ Honestly, I've always been afraid of em lol, I'm worried it'll brake or something and I'll land on my knees on the marble floors we have here xD
Once outside, the branch came out of place and I really hurt myself -.-
Anyway, yeah, I will think about that. I wanted to but a metal pull up bar but they didn't let me, as they don't want me to screw anything in the ceiling damn it...

Yeah about the situps and things... Thankyou. See I still don't know... For instance yesterday I got really tired at gym, and today I'm suppose to workout aswell. I think I will anyway... I don't understand if it's better to always have them under stress, or if by resting today, I will be feeling better on Wednesday you see? So I do them nearly every day... Plus it's so freaking hot now in summer which makes it even harder.

Thanks! awesome, I will look into some vitamins. First i'll see about what is wrong with my wrists and then I might buy some I guess. For instance now they don't hurt at all, but after dips they do :/ and yeah, I'll have to see about dips with pushup handles. Yeah they are cheap and great, I hope to get them soon.

Oh thankyou :)
I know... It's like, also something mental in my head lol... I always think, you know, I am considering joining the army for instance, but generally speaking, I always think, if I had nothing, how would I workout? and there's always a way, and that is your body, and there are so many ways, just like more weights on a barbell, you can make it so much harder with the body too, one arm and etc. Endless things I don't even do yet.
And yeah resistance. Also I see the "Pros" lol that workout on bars only, and calisthenics, and that is the proof of what you can achieve with Determination. Nothing but your body and Mind :)

Well still thankyou very much Josh, I think I'll workout today anyway lol see how I feel doing it everyday for some weeks I guess...