having meat at dinner isn't enough. Quite literally, you should be eating a small steaks worth of protein every 3 hours to get the kind of protein intake we are talking about.
just to give you an idea of how I usually eat on a normal day (as far as protein intake per meal):
breakfast at 7am: 6 egg whites, plus two omega eggs
2nd breakfast 10am: protein shake, about 1.5 servings ~ 35g protein
lunch: usually some meat like pulled beef, pork or chicken (I like to smoke meat on the weekends)
late afternoon snack: either some more meat, or another protein shake IF I'm not weight training that day.
Dinner: more meat/chicken
late snack or post workout meal: cottage cheese, roasted nuts, or a shake if I lifted that night.
This all adds up to around 200g of protein, or 800 calories from protein during the day, give or take.