Sport Is this OK if I use Microwave oven,

Sport Fitness
Sometimes I use microwave oven to cook my food, because it is very fast, is that ok to do so? Or I should grill my food? but grilling is a long process, I just dont have enough time
thank you,
depends. most meat cooked from raw to done in a microwave will be rubbery and dry, because that's how microwaves cook them up. broiling, baking, grilling...all will result in moist meat when cooked right.
Thank you for reply Malkore(for the previous one also:)), the taste is ok for me, but what I meant was, will the meat loose the nutrition after being cook by microwave oven?
Hmmm, I'm glad I stumbled in here. I was all set to tell you to go for it, since I like to nuke a burger for simplicity sake sometimes. However, senior google disagrees, here's some reading material for ya.

There was tons more on the subject, just run a google search for "is microwaved food healthy?"
there's also some research being done that's showing plastic stuff like tupperware and gladware may NOT be a good thing to nuke food in. the microwaves can apparently release carcinogens that aren't strongly bound up in the plastic.
Yeah, I read the same thing about saran wrap while looking up those links yesterday, so I'm not really surprised. I'm almost tempted to throw my 'wave out now, but I like being able to boil water extra fast and that much should be safe.
IMO the only use for a microwave is to heat up things. As in already cooked, grilled, broiled foods to bring it out of its cold state. I have never, and will never use a microwave to thoroughly cook anything. I like to enjoy my food. If time is scarce grill 4-6 chicken breasts in a less than 30 min time. Preserve it in a fridge, take it out, heat it when you want to eat. Pre-planning is a great key to adapt to.
thank you ,

thank you guys for answering my question, maybe I should just boil my chicken, put some vege, I like to eat soup hehehe, just can't stand there to turn the chicken when I grill it :),