Is this ok for my size?

I have a few questions about my size. I'm 5'2 and about 130 pounds. Is this ok? I'm 16 years old and I lost a lot of weight but I still feel fat. Everyone says I don't need to but you could understand why I'm still self conscious. Also I was wondering if this is fair. My biceps are about 12 inches and 1/4 of an inch. Is that ok for my heighth? There hard and pretty defined. I can bench about 150 pounds and I'm the only person of my heighth to be able to do this. oh and my waist size is 30.
How did you lose the weight? Everyone is different and unique. However if you want to make changes to your body, what is stopping you? Unless you just want to be average.
You sound like a healthy enough weight but body composition counts for a lot too. Do you train for anything? Sports, lifting etc...?

Unfortunately the way you see yourself will always be more to do with what's in your head than what's actually in the mirror. Once your self confidence improves you'll like what you see in the mirror more, regardless of whether you're as skinny as a rake or fat as a cow.
I have the same mirror image problem myself.

You ever heard of the term, "beauty is in the eye of the beholder?"

Well it's true. Beauty is a subjective term. What one defines as beautiful, another might find ungodly ugly. No matter what you look like, there is always someone out there who will think it's the most beautiful thing ever, and then another will say it is the most ugliest thing ever.

I say the best thing to do is stop judging yourself. Easier said, then done, I know. But try to think about what is causing you to have negative images about yourself. Try to think about what stresses or recent event caused you to think like this.