Is this meat still good?

Ok, I tried yahooing this but I couldn't find an answer pertaining to my question. We got this steak last Sunday and I looked at the packaged date and it said it was packaged 2-04-2007...That seems like a while ago since today is 2-15-2007. It does not have a "sell by" or "use by" date. They have been stored in my fridge (not freezer). Do you think I should make it or toss it?

I would toss it. If it had been kept in the freezer then it would likely would still be good, however i would not take the risk of eating foul steak.
samonella is the spelling Mellowman :)

Yeah, I'm tossing it. I don't know why Rick bought it 6 days after the packaging date :confused: I made one of the steaks for him a few days ago and when I taste tested it I thought it tasted funny. Oh well.

Gotta love a language where a nasty primarily associated with chicken is spelt like a fish.

