Hmmm, I don't know why those links aren't working for you, but yes, your math is correct, which is what also leads me to believe that your MHR is not.
If you could figure out what HR Zone you are in when you are running you can probably figure out more closely what your actual MHR is (if at 192 you are tired, your breathing is heavy and you are fatigued you would be in Zone 4, but if you can carry on a conversation you would be in Zone 3) .
(I apologize for this being so long, but I did not want to send you to links you could not open)
Intensity Described as Training Zones
I will assign workouts based on training zones. There are five training zones, labeled 1, the easiest, through 5, the most difficult, with one additional level for "all-out" effort.
· Zone 1 is fairly light exercise. It is used for easy days, recovery workouts, long slow workouts, and to improve overall health. It is also used as a warmup and cooldown for harder workouts.
· Zone 2 is the "somewhat hard" zone. Zone 2 is used to improve the hearts ability to pump blood, increase metabolism of oxygen, increase cardiovascular capacity of muscles, tendons and ligaments, and to improve fitness and endurance. A large percentage of your weekly distance will be done in zones 1 and 2.
· Zone 3 is a good hard workout. This is the zone in which we exercise at a good pace but still feel comfortable and still have the ability to carry on conversation. Exercising in this zone teaches the body to burn fat, improves endurance, familiarizes us with training at a faster pace. This is a zone that feels terrific, and you will feel as though you could continue forever, but you shouldn't.
· Zone 4 is the "very hard" workout zone. Exercising in this zone increases tolerance to lactic acid, increases enzymes in the muscles used for anaerobic metabolism, familiarizes us with the pace and effort used for racing and time trials. For readers familiar with heart rate training concepts, the LT (Lactate Threshold or Lactate Turnpoint) falls within this zone. This point is also sometimes referred to as your A T (Anaerobic Threshold), and also by its more scientific term "Onset of Blood Lactate Accumulation" (OBLA). It is likely that during a zone 4 workout, you will stray over this point at times; you will learn to notice the feeling of increasingly heavy arms. Learning to notice this feeling early, and to get back below your OBLA, is a valuable skill. When this happens, you can learn how to recover below, but still near, your OBLA. With time, you can learn to identify that point as a very specific heart rate.
· Zone 5 is 'very very hard', and is reserved for only a few of the hardest workout efforts and races. This range is beyond our lactate threshold and is used to increase muscle tolerance to large amounts of lactic acid, and to improve sprinting and hard, short effort ability.
And Here are some tests to help you figure your MHR (from
Sub- Max Heart Rate Tests
You won't reach your Max HR with these tests, but they give you a range within which your Max HR probably lies. First step is to rate your fitness level as follows:
• Poor shape. You have not exercised regularly during the last two months.
• Fair shape. You walk a mile or more or pursue any aerobic activity for twenty minutes at least three times per week.
• Good shape. You exercise regularly more than an hour a week or walk or run at least five miles a week.
The second step is take either or both of these tests.
TEST ONE. One Mile Walk Test
Find a track, perhaps at a local school, and walk four continuous, evenly paced laps as fast as you can in your current condition. The first three laps put you on a heart-rate plateau where you hold steady for the fourth lap.
Determine your average heart rate for this final lap. Then to predict your Max HR, add 40 bpm if you are in poor shape; for fair shape, add 50; and for good shape, add 60.
TEST TWO: The Step Test
Use an eight-inch step. Warm up appropriately. Then, use this four count step sequence: right foot up, left up, right down, left down. Counting "up, up, down, down" as one set and keep a steady pace of 20 sets per minute.
Measure your average heart rate during the third minute, then predict your Max HR by adding 55 bpm if you are in poor shape, 65 for fair shape and 75 for good shape. That number is your predicted maximum heart rate
Heart Rate Zones
After you have figured out your approximate max heart rate than it is time be become aquatinted with the different heart zones.. You can use your heart rate monitor to effectively train in the different zone according to your fitness goals and level of fitness. Before you can exercise in these zones with a heart rate monitor you will need to figure out your percentages of max heart rate. The most common way is simple and can be used to estimate your aerobic training zone:
Multiply your MHR by the percentage level you will exercise at.
For example if your MHR = 180
50% = 90 bpm
60% = 108 bpm
70% = 126 bpm
80% = 144 bpm
90% = 162 bpm
Karvonen Formula
A very effective method of calculating your zones is by the Karvonen Formula. This formula takes into account your resting heart rate (RHR). Knowing your resting heart rate helps you to determine your Heart Rate Reserve (HRR) or working Heart Rate. Heart Rate Reserve (HRR) or working Heart Rate the difference between the Maximum Heart Rate (MHR) and Resting Heatt Rate (RHR). The greater the difference of your MHR and your RHR the greater your HHR or WHR. This is important because this tells you how great your heart rate intensities can be.
The best way to measure your resting heart rate (RHR) is when you first wake up in the morning and before you get out of bed. Simply count your pulse for 15 seconds beginning on the zero count and multiply by 4. You can do this for 5 days and then average the results. This is your resting heart rate. Keep in mind that lack of proper rest, stress and lack of proper nutrition, and medication can influence your RHR. One sign of over-training is an elevated RHR. By becoming aware of your RHR you can more closely become in-tuned with with how your body is reacting to different stimulus.
You will also notice that using the Karvonen Formula the percentages of MHR will be higher. This is because this method indicates more closely your actual VO2 Max. VO2 Max or Maximal Oxygen Consumption is the total capacity to consume oxygen at the cellular level. This represents the total maximum aerobic capacity of the muscle cells.
MHR - RHR = _____ x % = _____ + RHR = Karvonen Formula
For Example: MHR = 180. RHR = 60
180 - 60 = 120 x 70% = 84 + 60 = 144 bpm
180 - 60 = 120 x 50% = 60 + 60 (RHR) = 120 bpm (50%)
180 - 60 = 120 x 60% = 72 + 60 (RHR) = 132 bpm (60%)
180 - 60 = 120 x 70% = 84 + 60 (RHR) = 144 bpm (70%)
180 - 60 = 120 x 80% = 96 + 60 (RHR) = 156 bpm (80%)
180 - 60 = 120 x 90% = 108 + 60 (RHR) = 168 bpm (90%)
Once you know your percentages of max heart rate then you can exercise according to your goals and fitness capacity in the following heart rate zones.
Description of the Zones:
Zone 1 (50 - 60% of MHR) - The lowest level you can exercise in and still increase fitness levels. For beginners or people who have not exercised for a long period of time. This zone can be for just improving your overall health. It can also be a good recovery zone for people who are over-training and need to take a break. This mode is also good for people who want to lose weight as the main source of fuel used by the body is fat stores.
Zone 2 (60 - 70% of MHR) - This is the zone where the heart begins to benefit. Training in this zone will begin improve your hearts ability to pump blood and improve the muscle cells ability to utilize oxygen. In this zone stored body fat is the primary source of energy utilized hence this zone is referred to as the weight management zone. This is a good zone for long slow distance exercise as the body becomes more efficient at feeding the working muscles more efficiently especially with fat as the main fuel source.
Zone 3 (70 - 80% of MHR) - This zone is the most effective for overall cardiovascular fitness and is often called the "aerobic zone" or "target heart rate zone". This is the optimal zone to workout in to increase your cardio-respitory capacity or the bodies ability to transport oxygenated blood to the muscle cells and carbon dioxide away from the cells. After a while you will be able to cover more distance during workouts in less time. Your body will burn less glucose and more stored fat as fuel thereby working more efficiently. This zone is also effective for increasing overall muscle strength.
Zone 4 (80 - 90% of MHR)(85-90%= Anaerobic Threshold) - this level is where you cross over from aerobic training to anaerobic training which is called the anaerobic threshold or AT. This is the point where the body cannot effectively remove lactic Acid from the working muscles quickly enough. Lactic Acid is a by product of glycogen consumption by the working muscles. This zone is primarily for people who want to increase their performance levels. You would characterize this zone as hard. During this zone your muscles are tired, your breathing is heavy and your fatigued. The benefit of training in this zone is you can increase your bodies ability to tolerate and deal with lactic acid for a longer period of time as the enzymes in your muscles responsible for anaerobic metabolism are increased. For competitors it is good to know your anaerobic threshold as many fit athletes can compete at or about their anaerobic threshold.
Zone 5 (90 - 100% of MHR)(VO2 Max) - You will only be able to train in this zone for short periods of time. You should not train at this level unless you are very fit. In this zone lactic acid develops very quickly as you are operating with oxygen debt to the muscles The value of training in this zone is you can increase your fast twitch muscle fibers which increase speed. You will not be able to stay at this level very long and should be used in intervals or sprinting work at the track.