Is this healthy?

iron chE

New member
I am 20 years old and trying to lose weight. I am 6'1'' and weigh 280. My biggest problem is that I ate too much and it was all unhealthy. Two days ago, I bought all healthy food and I eat small meals about 5-7 times a day. I have been trying to eat better and keep my calories around just below 2000. I eat alot of fruit, veggies, and lean protein. I strictly only drink water now (which I used to drink alot of soda).

I also used to play football so I like to exercise. There isn't a gym near me this summer, but I've been jogging/walking and doing some workout videos. I also work for an iron mill, and I do alot of walking around and some physical work while wearing pants and jacket

In one day, I lost 2 pounds and I know the recommended is 2 pounds per week. Is it alright if I lose this much because I am so over weight
At the beginning, you might lose weight faster than later on. When people say "it's safe to lose 1-2 pounds per week," this is an average... some weeks you might lose more and some weeks you might lose less. The concern when people are losing weight really quickly is that often these people are doing it in an unhealthy and unsustainable way. By the sounds of it, you're starting things off the right way, by not trying to restrict calories too much and adding in some physical activity.

I would say keep it up!

A better way to think about it might be to aim for around 1% of your body weight as a 'good' rate of weight loss per week.
If only all of us could do your plan!

The trouble you will encounter, like all diets, is keeping your motivation up. If you weigh in every day, you may even gain weight on a day that you did everything right. I suggest you only weigh in once a week for better results.

This is a marathon you are on, not a sprint. Just remember, like everyone else, things will come into your life to take your focus away from your dieting and you will have to get back up off the ground and continue on.

Great Dieting!

Professor Tom Laurie

author of The Losing Attitude for Dieters
I have lost about 10 pounds now. You are right, motivation is the hardest part but with nothing else to do this summer but work.. I've been keeping on track. Knowing I used to play football and be in pretty good shape, and now I'm filling out XXL t-shirts just plan sickens me. So trying to get back to what I used to be is the goal.

Any other advise you can give me to achieve this?
Hey iron chE,

The other advice that I would give would be to start a journal in the Weight Loss Diary section. Recording your progress and having others be able to check in on you can help to keep you on track for the long run. Other than that, just stay consistent! Don't beat yourself up over allowing yourself "treats" once in a while or missing an exercise session. Just move on and get back to your plan!
I will echo PLBFitness in a way. Eventually, everything will align against you and you have a bad day (we all do). Don't let it trigger the downward spiral of feeling sorry for yourself which creates more bad days and so on... Get back on that horse.

Professor Tom Laurie

author of The Losing Attitude for Dieters
You loosing 2 pounds per week it is alright it's a good process for fat reduction.Continue your workout and eat healthy it will Definitely help you to achieve your proper weight.