Is this enough? Advice needed


New member
Currently 195-197 lbs 5'7 Female 22 (Down from 225)

Currently I eat about 1500 calories daily & exersize for the week is outlined below.

(M) 30 Min Yoga + 30 Min Wii Fit
(T) 30 Min Run Combo (Usually Walk 5, Run 20-30, Walk 5)
(W) 30 Min Yoga + 30 Min Wii Fit
(T) Run Combo
(F) 30 Min Yoga + 30 Min Wii Fit
(S) Run Combo
(S) Optional Rest Day

I also have two dogs that get a Minimum of 30 min walk everyday, usually more like an hour.

Suggestions or is that an ok plan to follow for a few weeks? Should I be doing more or less or something? Is that much exersize in a day enough to really see a difference? I'm definetly sweating and breathing harder after each workout. Thanks :)
Suggestions or is that an ok plan to follow for a few weeks? Should I be doing more or less or something? Is that much exersize in a day enough to really see a difference? I'm definetly sweating and breathing harder after each workout. Thanks

IMO, if you're eating 1500 calories a day, weight's going to come off whether you exercise or not. Actually, with that much exercise, I might suggest considering eating a little more.

I would recommend working in some sort of resistance training, to hold onto the muscle already on your body while you lose fat. More muscle on your body means you will look thinner and leaner at a heavier weight, meaning you won't have to lose as much to get the look you want. I would do either 2 or 3 days of resistance training during the week. (M:Th, T:F, W:S, M:W:F, T:Th:S, etc). You can do the wii fit or the running on the off days or after the resistance training on those days - if you do resistance and cardio same day, might wanna consider making the day after a rest day. Yoga can be done whenever, including your rest days.

Another point: Rest days are not optional! If you don't rest, you don't give your body time to recover, and your workouts become less efficient or you may even lose progress. I take at least 2 rest days a week. I lift weights MWF. Sometimes I play DDR on tuesdays and thursdays, or ride an exercise bike, or go for a walk, or do nothing. Sometimes I'll do DDR or the bike after my friday or monday workouts, depending on the week. Saturday and Sunday I don't schedule any workouts - you can think of them as rest days, but I might go for a hike or go for a bike ride or something, just not officially for a workout, more as just general activity.

But if you keep doing what you're doing, I think you'll still continue seeing progress. I would still recommend trying to work in at least 2 days a week of resistance training though.
This is where I get all confused. People keep telling me that, like weight training and what not, but I just don't know how to do that stuff, I'm afraid I'm getting the wrong form, or I'm not doing the proper amount of reps and working the correct muscles. It's rather confusing. I think I get a lot of that from some of the Yoga I do, it's not just the regular stretch Yoga I do a lot of strength moves as well. Do you know of a simple plan or a place on the net that I can find like a weeks workout plan for weight/resistance training?

And I do have rest days, but my dogs need to be walked EVERYDAY so it's just getting in some form of exersize like you say. A walk or a bike ride on sunday I don't really count as exersize, if I just sit and rest ALL day I turn into a lazy bones lol but that's clearly not what you meant.
When you say 30 min Wii Fit are you doing any of the strength training on there? I have the Wii Fit and know there are moves you can do. Lunges, push-ups, squats - I can't remember them all because I haven't been on mine in a long time but I do know they have a bunch of moves that will tell you what form to use and it lets you know if you are doing it correctly. I think that would be a good start.
I do lots of the strength yoga moves on Wii Fit, I usually combined them so that I'm doing half balance/stretch yoga moves and half strength ones, like plank, and lunges and what not.

I'll have to read some stickies