Sport Is this diet effective for weight loss?

Sport Fitness
I decided i was previously eating too many carbs in order to effectively burn fat, so i decided to change it up a bit. The protein/fat/carb ratio is:

38% protein
34% fat
28% carbs

I am 6'1, 215 pounds, and taking in around 2000 calories a day. The fat may seem pretty high, but most of my fat intake comes from nuts/peanut butter, so i only consume about 20g of saturated fats each day. Will this be effective?
Depends on if you are actually using more than 2000 calories per day (through base metabolism + exercise).
Yes my BMR was around 3000, so thats about 1000 cal difference a day

You mean your ' maintenance level ' of calories is 3,000 - not BMR - don't you ?

BMR is the theoretical minimal level of calories you need for your body to keep you basic bodily functions going - i.e as though you were in a coma.

BMR doesn't take into account the caloric cost of things like daily activity, exercise etc.