Is this achievable


New member
Hi, im 20 and really need to lose weight. I am doing 30 mins of cardio 5 days a week and in about a month some weight training once a week.

I am currently 230lbs :banghead:

I am hoping to lose about 8lbs a month.
My goal is to be about 60lbs lighter by the end of 2010

How many calories should I be consuming to do this? :toetap05: LOL

Thnaks in advance :grouphug:
What is your height? There are several calorie calculators out there. I'll see what I can do to help you how I can :)
Ok, remember all these numbers are not set in stone. They are guidelines.

So to maintain you need 2761ish a day with moderate exercise. So if you are aiming for 2 pounds a week, then you are looking at around 1700-1800 calories.
Jericho is right about the calorie intake, but my suggestion would be not going that drastic right out of the gate. I would start with taking 500 calories off the 2800 calories, so I would start off at 2300 cals/day and adjust from there. Every 2 weeks you can drop your calories by 200 until you get to 1600-1700 calories/day. Keep it simple an round off your calories.

Example - 2051cals go up to 2100 / 2049cals down to 2000.

If you drop your calories gradually you will continue to lose weight throughout as opposed to dropping all your calories in the beginning. Hopefully this helps.

What kind of cardio are you doing? How intense is it? Are you walking, running, treadmill, track? While I agree that any activity is good activity, some are more beneficial than others. Would you be comfortable adding weight training 2-3 times a week?
What kind of cardio are you doing? How intense is it? Are you walking, running, treadmill, track? While I agree that any activity is good activity, some are more beneficial than others. Would you be comfortable adding weight training 2-3 times a week?

At the momet I'm doing an hour dance workout and 20 mins on an exercise bike.

In a couple of weeks I'm going to the gym, with my hubby for weight training
Your caloric needs will constantly change as your weight changes. In other words, the calories you need right now are going to be different in a few months when you weigh significantly less. This calculator is more of a rough guideline than something set in stone, but use it every few weeks to recalculate what you should be taking in