Is this a Healthy Routine?


New member
Ah hey just looking for some advice,

Im 6'1 and weighed 110 kg, which was kinda bad so i stopped eating junk food and did lots of walking and now weigh 69 kg which is better. I still got a bit of fat around my waist but you cant tell as long as i dont go parading around naked:willy_nilly:

Am i at a healthy weight or have i lost too much? People keep fussing saying i am too skinny

Anyway i have fallen into a routine with exercise over the last couple of months but to be honest i never did any research to lose weight i just kinda went by what seemed to make sense. I started to read a bit lately but i dont really know where to begin. Here is my probably bad and lazy health routine

I use weights every other day (mon,wed,frid,sun)
I have only been using them consistently for 2 or 3 months at the most but have noticed a bit more tone on my arms. My "workout" is kinda pathetic compared to the ones i see posted around but i figured its better than nothing

I have a bench-press and some dumbells, just dont have the long bar and have managed to work my way up to 14kg on each arm wich is pathetic but i started on 7kg so i guess its something, here is what i do:

Bicept Curl thing:
At 12kg i just did 3 sets of 10 reps but since going to 14 it's
x5 on this last set i use my free hand to help get another 2 reps to x7
i know it's cheating but it feels better than just doing 5 reps

Bench Press with dumb bells
10 reps x3

and...that it lol
I am starting to enjoy weights a bit but only recently, im very weak but i guess both my parents are scrawny :/

On the days that i dont do weights i go for a 1 hour walk and do 15-20 minutes jogging. I really struggled trying to jog, only in the last few weeks have i actually been able to. All the weight i lost was just through walking


Every morning i have an egg-bacon-muffin (1 egg, 1 slice of bacon, 1 MUFFIN!) I LOVE PIG BEST ANIMAL EVAR!

For lunch i usually have a Salad-roll (just salad and bread basically)

Dinner is usually some salad or Pasta or another Salad-roll

I though about maybie having 4 eggs and 4 slices of bacon on the days i use weights to try and fill my arms up with something. Is this a retarded idea?

Sorry if my post is stupid or annoying, i guess i just want to know if i am damaging myself in some way. I know there is alot more to being healthy than just being thin, im happy with the way i look i just want to be stronger and fitter. Any thoughs or advice would be appreciated :hat:
Your exercise routine could probably use some work ... but it's a start.

Your diet ... well. Hm. I'm just going to be blunt - your diet SUCKS. :) It's mostly carbs and unhealthy fats with a smattering of protein.

You need more calories, more protein (especially if you're going to lift weights), more veggies, and complex carbs (whole grains, oats, that kind of thing).

You will lose weight eating what you're eating, but you won't build muscle and eventually you won't be able to sustain any kind of exercise because your body will be so undernourished.
Lol yeah i figured i would be on the wrong track. So waht should i eat or what do you eat? I dont want to be a nag but im kinda clueless
Ok, so you currently weigh 69kg (which is about 152 lbs, I think). At 6'1" I think that's a healthy weight for you. You probably don't need to lose a whole lot more. The weight around your waist can be dealt with far better by getting into shape and eating a good healthy, balanced diet.

What I would recommend is that you start with 2200 calories a day, about. That's an estimate of your maintenance calories.

Of those 2200 calories, I'd aim for a 40/30/30 split. In other words, 40% of your calories should come from complex carbs, 30% from lean protein, and 30% from healthy fats.

The easiest way to measure this would be to register with one of the sites like or or whatever. Registering on the sites are free and you can enter the food you eat and see how many calories you're eating, and what your percentages are.

I'm not going to tell you exactly what you should eat because everyone has individual likes and dislikes ... but I'll tell you what I eat and you can see how it's possible to structure a healthy eating plan.

I aim for 1700 or so calories per day, with a 40/35/25 split. Here's what I ate yesterday:

Breakfast: greek yogurt and blueberries
Snack: apple and cheddar cheese
Lunch: orzo and spinach with feta cheese and steamed veggies
Snack: low-sodium V8 and a boiled egg
Post-workout: 1 scoop protein powder
Dinner: grilled london broil in lime and chili pepper marinade, roasted broccoli, roasted sweet potato, 1 glass red wine.
Dessert: 1/2 cup lemon sorbet

You could eat a little more ... maybe double portions of meat with dinner, or add another snack, or whatever.
wow you're really organised. Thanks for the help ill try and figure out a proper way of eating then, at least i have something to start on now thanks:hurray: