is this a good supplement

hi, my name is dustin, I am 16 male, and have been lifting weights for 4 years now, I weight 175lbs and bench press 270lbs, my progress has slowed way down on the bench press right now, and I wanted to know if nor-androsteendione is a good supplement to take, I know I am only 16, but I love body building and I feel taking a legal steroid for awhile will not hurt me. I just want to know if it will help me or not, I dont want to put any money into something that is not going to help me. well I would appreciate the replys with a passion, I really love strength and mass training, and would like to make a career out of it, well thank you
dustin :cool:
I supose your are wondering about my height also lol. I am 5-5and one half inches tall well talk to you all later
thank you for help my email is if you would rather email me replys instead well thank you a million
Have you tried other supplements? Protien, Arginine, Creatine, 1-AD, etc. may be as helpful without the possible side effects of andro.

What about your training routine, the rest of your diet and your rest patterns? Sometimes a minor change in any of those can help you past a plateau.
my routines are allways switched around, I never do the same exercise the same way more than 4-6 weeks and I switch to dumbells on the major areas, I eat quite a bit, I get about 7-8 hours of sleep every night, I have taken creatine when I was loosing weight, I used to weight 200lbs and now weight 175lbs and I know that had an effect on my weight lifting, but I kept all my strength, and actually got bigger, but I would like to know the side effects of andro before I make any decisions, could any body tell me :cool:
Do not take it, the FDA is about to ban all Andros just as they banned ephedra. It would be a shame to gain 10 pounds of muscle only to lose it again after they ban the stuff.