I'm 34, 6' 4" and 187 lbs. BMI is 23. BF% per some website is 11%
Short Term Goal: 200 lbs while losing those love handles (pictures in my public album)
Long term Goal: Maintain 210 lbs and six pack abs
From some responses I received from my 1st post, I need to seriously upgrade my diet! So after some research, I ended up with the following structure. I would like to put this plan in place before starting a work out program. Please help critique it.
Daily Calorie Goal: According to some websites I need about 2700 cals to maintain my weight with basic everyday activity (no work out). Reading all the threads on the site, I figured I need to consume about 4000 cals a day taking into account some exercise I plan to do every week. I'll post that once I get a handle on the diet.
Protein 4000 x 30%(.30) = 1200 calories
Carbohydrates 4000 x 40%(.40) = 1600 calories
Fat 4000 x 30%(.30) = 1200 calories
Protein*(4cal/g) 1200 / 4 =*300*grams per day
Carbs*(4cal/g) 1600 / 4 =*400*grams per day
Fat*(9cal/g) 1200 / 9 =*133*grams per day
Your advice is greately appreciated.
Short Term Goal: 200 lbs while losing those love handles (pictures in my public album)
Long term Goal: Maintain 210 lbs and six pack abs
From some responses I received from my 1st post, I need to seriously upgrade my diet! So after some research, I ended up with the following structure. I would like to put this plan in place before starting a work out program. Please help critique it.
Daily Calorie Goal: According to some websites I need about 2700 cals to maintain my weight with basic everyday activity (no work out). Reading all the threads on the site, I figured I need to consume about 4000 cals a day taking into account some exercise I plan to do every week. I'll post that once I get a handle on the diet.
Protein 4000 x 30%(.30) = 1200 calories
Carbohydrates 4000 x 40%(.40) = 1600 calories
Fat 4000 x 30%(.30) = 1200 calories
Protein*(4cal/g) 1200 / 4 =*300*grams per day
Carbs*(4cal/g) 1600 / 4 =*400*grams per day
Fat*(9cal/g) 1200 / 9 =*133*grams per day
Your advice is greately appreciated.
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