Is there anything you would change about yourself?

I don't like my nose--it's too big. However, I don't think I would ever get a nose job bc I'm not a fan of cosmetic surgery. :)
What an idea


Ah, what an idea. My first thought would be, fix up my lousy bone structure (I'm having surgery this November for one of the problems).

But then again, you know.... because of my physical problems, I've been pushed (and pushed myself) quite further than one would normally think possible...and during that process, learned a hell of a lot about my own inner strength.

Would I still have this knowledge if I didn't have the underlying problems that caused me to gain it? Most likely not.

So I'll opt to keep my current lousy structure. :)

Philosophy aside, let's see.....nope, I'm quite content the way I am. It took me decades to attain this feeling, mind you....but now that I internalized that, I have no desire to change.


too many things

I would love to be taller, I'm 5'9 now and it's just so. average... 5'11 would be good...

I want smaller feet - 11W sucks - I keep hearing how people's foot size has changed as they lost weight - hasn't happened to me.

I'd like more delicate looking hands... I have very mannish hands -short stubby fingers and big palms -luckilynot hairy but they are not feminine.

Except for my lips and as I age, they're not near as full as they once were, I rather hate my entire face actually.. and would like a do-over on that... but I don't like pain and won't even consider plastic surgery...
First thing that came to mind was my procrasination. I'm a horrible procrasinator. Am trying to work on that now...or maybe later. :p
Hmm - i would want my boobs to be SMALLER! I know this might have something to do with weight- as they've gotten bigger when I gained but even when I was at my ideal weight - they were too big for my liking.
It's sad that I actually have a list:

1) A smaller nose. My sister got the perky little nose while I ended up with broader one that seems to be typical for hispanics. My mother once asked me if there was something cosmetic I'd change about myself and I told her this and she bugged me about it for days saying that it was a good size for my face, which I agree with now, it's mainly an insecurity from childhood even though I don't think one person has ever said a thing about my nose. :confused:

2) Taller. I'd love to be 5'7" but find myself to be merely 5'6" it's not even an option to be a model.

3) Teeth. First off, I love my teeth. They're white, even, and a good size all without any dental work. I brush, I floss...I get cavities. I genetically have weak enameling and it drives me nuts. I've switched to pro-enamel tooth products to see if they help.

4) Arms. I have the under arm fat that hangs when you raise them. I don't wear sleeveless because of it. It really bothers me especially since some people even larger than me don't have it and I feel like mine flap in the wind.

1-3 I can't do too much about, but 4 is part of the reason I'm here. I keep measuring but I swear it hasn't changed even with all the weight I've lost. It'll probably be the last thing to go.
Naw, I'm awesome. :)

Actually, this might seem a bit weird, but I've always wanted a bigger nose. I have this little, almost button nose. And I've always wanted something a bit more beakish, something that suits the rest of my Mediterranean features. I've always wanted a more Jewy nose.

I really, really like being short. It gives me a good reason to be feisty.

But, like I said before, I'm pretty happy with myself.

Also, Mal, uh, 5'9" is soooo NOT average. That's tall! I can't imagine having to shop for size 11W shoes. That's got to suck.
Also, Mal, uh, 5'9" is soooo NOT average. That's tall! I can't imagine having to shop for size 11W shoes. That's got to suck.

I have to agree. I'm 5'6" and I swear I tower over a good amount of boys, especially in heels. Personally I like my boys taller than me and this has become a problem.
I'd like to be taller

And I know you said not weight related

But my upper arms.. even if I was the weight I wanted to be, they'd still be out of proportion

Always have been o_0
I'm 5'5 & 1/2 and still taller than most of the women I know, so I have no problem with my height.

I wish I had more will power to say "no" when I need to. I'm a bit of a pushover:-(
Too much!

It's a shame actually.

Personality wise I would make myself less harsh. I would also like to be a less jealous person. That one trait itself will drive me insane someday.

Looks wise I want a smaller nose; longer, softer hair; a couple inches off my height (only 5'5 but still...); clearer skin; tanner skin; whiter teeth; and overall just a more feminine look. I feel so masculine all the time, even though looking at myself rationally I'm not. I guess it's just being overweight that causes that.

Oh yeah, I'd like a more feminine voice.

Can you tell I've thought about this a lot? :)
I've always wanted to have two different colored eyes...

I had a friend in high-school who had one blue eye and one brown eye. It was cool as hell. (Unfortunately he was killed in a car wreck the summer after graduation...)

But there's also a manager down at the Oil Express who has one dark blue eye and one light green eye. It is SO pretty!! I don't want to tell him that though, because he's a rough-looking sort of fellow.

Other than that, I probably wouldn't change anything. I used to HATE my nose (which is large for my face, with a mannish look, and it has a "bump" in the bridge of it that is a genetic marker of my father's family...kind of looks like I got my nose broken in a fight as a teenager) but I don't really believe in plastic surgery and besides, my nose makes me feel like a part of my father's lineage, so I learned to love it. :eek:

I'd like to be a couple of inches smaller so i don't feel like such a gaint when i wear heels.

I'd love my feet to be smaller, i hate it when you see a pair of shoes that you think look really cute in like a size three, then they bring them out in your size and they just look like boats :(

Oh and bigger boobs would be a bonus aswell :)

Hmmm. I don't think I'd like to be taller. I'm tall enough (6'2'')... I'd like to change the shape of my head. I know that sounds weird but I hate the shape of my head. It affects the way my hair grows, and how it styles as well... I also don't like my feet. I had surgery on them in highschool and they are much better than they were but, they still aren't the nicest thing to look at. Plus, now that I am running and every pair of running shoes I have has some special quirk that abuses my feet in some way or another (one pair rubs, one pair gives me blisters on the top of my feet, one pair the bottom....etc) my feet have scars, callouses, and usually a blister or two on them:(

I would change my face skin lols

Maybe its just being a teenager but ive got a few pimples on my face that annoy me