Is there anybody out there?

Hello everyone, I just found this forum - seems helpful and informative. :)

Anyways, I've kinda gone to the fat side this winter... I'm 21, 6' 2" and 176lbs. I've lost 16lbs since Nov. :eek: :(

I'm a wildland firefighter so I don't really work or do anything in the winter, it's just so damn cold! lol Now I gotta get my **** together before April. :rolleyes: Main thing for me is cardio (running from the fire lol) and upper body/abs (digging fireline).

I'll be reading the topics here and ask ya'll some questions when I think of em.

lol - if anyone needs to have good cardio, its you!!

Welcome to the forums
6'2 at 176 and your fat? No way!

In 5'10 - 203 so I must be morbidly obese! Actually if you calculate my BMI, I AM!



Welcome to the forum. I'm sure you'll find it to be useful in obtaining your goals