Is there a testosterone supplement out there?

I know you can prescribed testosterone from a physican, but can someone buy like a testosterone supplement without a prescription?

I would like to boost my testosterone for many reasons, mainly for working out, but I dont know if I could get my hands on some that easy
What's your age?
Yeah, all of them. At 19 your levels haven't even peaked yet, so by upping them unnaturally you will make that your limit. Wait like 6 years and then look for some test supps, for a normal male your age they'll do more harm than good.
Just working out itself will up your testoserone levels... I don't think you can buy testoserone over the counter however, at least not here in the USA; being a hormone, testoserone, like any other hormone (such as HGH), has to be prescribed by a doctor.
Yeah, wait a while, 6 years minimum. But, they'll still be illegal in 6 years, and still have the normal and potential side effects.

Honestly, I don't recommend steroids unless you make yourself into an expert on the subject. its serious stuff, you need to be properly educated first.

you wouldn't let a baby handle a gun. you wouldn't let a fast food employee perform brain surgery. you shouldn't let Joe Blow decide your steroid cycle.
They're right. In 6 years, you can move to Poland, walk into their equivalent to Rite Aid, and have a party. But until then, just keep with your education, diet and exercise.
Hey come on, don't be like that...Poland's big enough for all of us.