is the more expensive product better?

i was at a MAX-FITNESS store, BIG UPS, and the guy was telling me that the most expensive products are the best. he told me the cheaps stuff works but not as well. when it come to fitness products you pay for wut u get. i that true?:confused:
That is the biggest line of bullshyt ever.

I am assuming he was an employee? Possibly working on commission?
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Right. Look at creatine products for example. Something like cell-tech is more expensive than just plain monohydrate but is far from the most effective.
those sales guys do work on commission.

the more expensive're paying for marketing hype. cell-tech is a great example of that. they take plain cheap creatine, mix in powdered kool-aid, and charge you about $1.50 per serving.
you can get 100 servings of creatine for $15. I think that's 15 cents a serving. Dextrose is $5 for 100 servings.
So, 20 cents if you make it yourself, or a 750% mark up to have MuscleTech do it for you.

super dirt cheap stuff probably isn't the highest quality either. but you don't have to go much higher to hit the good middle of the road, quality stuff that isn't trying to trick you.
That is the biggest line of bullshyt ever.

I am assuming he was an employee? Possibly working on commission?

he is an employee but he doesnt get paid comission. he as well is a bodybuilder and he tells me the products that work from his experience. he told me creatine is good no matter how cheap or expensive it is, but if you want results u pay for wut you get.
Just go with a good well-known brand and do good research. If you see something like "Joe Bob's Super Creetin" then that's something to avoid.

Also as malkore posted, the bigger the hype the bigger the bs.
he is an employee but he doesnt get paid comission. he as well is a bodybuilder and he tells me the products that work from his experience. he told me creatine is good no matter how cheap or expensive it is, but if you want results u pay for wut you get.

Wait, so in one breath he told you all creatine is the same regardless of price, but the next second tells you expensive stuff is always better?

if you ran that through a computer, you'd get a blue screen, because the statement does not compute.

some peopel really like to give credit for their success to a supplement, when in actuality, its all them. supplements really are only maybe 5% of the equation for building an awesome body.
if your diet sucks or your training sucks, that 5% from the best supplements money can buy won't mean squat.
Diff exists

I am not sure on creatine, But may be that sales guy is right in some sense.

Expensive products makes a difference most of the time. Like U see a difference in using expensive Whey Protein which has Protein isolate than just 100% whey protein.

Many examples can come in, difeerence between a expensive Mercedes and a chepaer Toyota camry, Welll thats all off topic, but its just an example.:confused:

Malkore, definitely made it more sensible, These supplements make up only a 5% or so for your body sculpting.:)