Is rest after running bad?

If i wake up at around 6:30am to go for a run, is it bad if i take a nap or something after if my body is just physically tired just because my body is not used to getting up that early? ive just started recently to regulate my sleeping habits so i can go out for a run in the morning and my internal clock is not used to the early mornings yet :(

You'll slow your metabolism by sleeping after having raised it after running. So if its weightloss you're going for it will be counter productive.

Just have a good, solid, high carb breakfast to help fuel your body. Don't 'catnap' or anything during the day. If you're that tired, go to bed early, then rise early. This is the only way to get you 'bodyclock' in tune with a new routine.

One other thing, if you weren't tired after running it would mean you've not done long enough nor hard enough.