Sport is protein still the answer?

Sport Fitness
If im trying to gain stomach muscles more than arm, chest or leg muscles?

basically im trying to get a nicer stomach in time for my vacation on may 20th. Im going to be eating very healthy (salads, eggs, meat, veggies, fruits). Also though I bought weights to try and bulk up my arms as well. Along with this i bought whey, low fat peanuttbutter, fat free yogurt, low fat milk, all that good stuff for protein shakes for muscle growth. But if my main concern for the next 4 weeks is my stomach is it good to be consuming tons of protein? Does Protein help stomach muscles? If so how much protein should I consume and how much and what kind of stomach exersizes should I be doing to make sure the protein I consume doesnt turn into fat?

Also, if im lifting just 20 lbs dumbbells for a few minutes in the morning before work and on and off periodically throughout the night will that slow anything down? Should I be consuming a lot of protein with this?

any help will be appriciated.
if you have only 4 weeks i would concentrate on losing weight as it doesn't matter how big a 6 pack you have if it is covered in fat you are just going to look fat.
that and excess protein is excreated out of the body and not turned into fat.
also get yourself some decent weights so that you can do a proper weight regime instead of doing large volumes of curls through out the day.
jsb said:
if you have only 4 weeks i would concentrate on losing weight as it doesn't matter how big a 6 pack you have if it is covered in fat you are just going to look fat.
that and excess protein is excreated out of the body and not turned into fat.
also get yourself some decent weights so that you can do a proper weight regime instead of doing large volumes of curls through out the day.

I see your point, but what if I do my original plan, and take these protein shakes and do curls (for 15 min in the morning before work) and do a few reps at night along with some pushups (while still running/jogging for cardio and crunches for my stomach) will I be in good shape or am I not doing enough to turn the protein im consuming into muscle. I mean say I do as many curls and pushups as I can between 9-930. or maybe even longer at night.
I am not sure what your body structure is, or what your current activity level is, but it sounds like you have a good plan in mind.

You really need to stick with at least the basic essential supplements like the protein and a good multi-vitamin. My recommendations are ProV60 by L
Labrada for protein and Activite by MHP for multi-vitamin plus muscle builder. Four weeks is a short period of time and you will get the best results from focusing on a nutrititous diet.

You may find that you already have a six pack hidden, and by trimming down plus exercising (dips, pullups, situps, crunches) which all help your stomach, you will surprise yourself in 4 weeks.

A really good article to read on nutritious diet and supplementation can be found at .

Good Luck and Stay with It!!

"Committed to your Health"
Protein helps build muscle, lean muscle mass burns fat!! You can't go wrong with a good protein blend like ProV60... I love it!!
thanks, I actually made a post on the same topic I had on another board with a more detailed schedule. Ill repost that in this thread and maybe it'll be clearer on to what im looking for...

im about 5'8 153 lbs, im pretty skinny but just little flabby/bloated in the stomach.

heres a picture

Anyway, Im going on vacation in 4 weeks (1 month) and am trying to get in as best shape as I can by then. im not expecting six packs and triple H arms or anything.

Ive never been a weight lifter so im entirly new to all of this.

After reading up on stuff last night I went and bought (Whey *high protein powder*, low fat peanutt butter, low fat yogurt, low fat milk, strawberrys, rasberrys, beef jerky and two 20 lbs dumbbells)

Mostly all im worried about is my stomach and arms in this 4 week period until my vacation. (ill get into working all areas when i return from vacation)

*So one of the questions I have is, is it good to comsume protein via whey and shakes I plan on making while trying mostly to slim down fat from my stomach and bulk up my arms just by curling.

*If so, im wondering on the timing of when to drink protein shakes. before or after a workout? And how long (before or after)

*I know theres probably no real answer to this, but anyone know an estimated how much reps and work out do I have to do to make sure im doing enough so this stuff (protein and extra food) im consuming doesnt turn into fat?

my schedule will look something like this probably everyday until vacation (exception of saturday and sunday where the times might be off but ill still eat healty and fit stuff in)

630am: Wake up
645am: Jog
700am: crunches/pushups
715am: curls
725am: Breakfast (eggs or whatever)
745am: shower, get ready and leave for work at 830.
10:00am: have a snack (fruit or beef jerky)
1:00pm - lunch (salad, eggs, whatever it'll vary each day)
3:00pm - snack (fruit or beef jerky)
6:00pm - Dinner (try to have meat whether its stake or chicken or tuna)
6:00 - 9/10pm - ill be out and about most days probably with my girlfriend (no exersize)
8-9 - optional snack (fruit or beef jerky if im hungry)
sometime between 9-11pm - ill do some crunches, pushups and curls
11:30: going to bed

**somewhere in that schedule id fit in protein shakes if I should be using them for my mini workout. Are they best to be taken before or after a workout? Also how long before or after?
I've been reading that I should have a protein intake of 1g/protein per 1lb/bodyweight while trying to maintain the 40/40/20 thing. If that's true, I would need about 265g of protein a day, is that too much for someone like me who is trying to lose A LOT of fat?
I don't think so, eat in grams the number you weight up to what you would like to weigh. For instance, a 190lbl person wanting to keep or slightly lower their current body fat, but grow more muscle should take in at least 190g of protein, but a 265lbl person trying to take in and use 265g of protein is waisting alot of protein (which can get expensive btw).

If you are looking to get down to 180 from 265, take in 180g of protein (but make sure you work out and eat right as well).
You are not getting enough cardio to burn off any fat and being thats what you need to use i would cut into some of your girlfriend time to do some cardio cause a 15 min jog in the morning isnt going to do it. trying to lose weight sometimes i had to give up going out and hanging with my friends so i could do what i needed, but it payed off cause now i get compliments on my body. I think having a goal is good, but you need to figure out if you really want this to go beyond 4 weeks.
thats a great point and ill definatly try to run more at night and after work. How about protein, can all this protein im going to be taking in from shakes and beef jerky and eggs slow down or prevent me from reaching my stomach goals?
don't worry about protein, yes your body needs it and yes your body, including your stomach will use and benifit from the protein if you are properly working out. if you want to cut the fat then yes i would focus on running around 45 minutes a day 5 days a week at least. variable speeds or distances whatever it is just run. the cardio is the only way you will make sure you are not turning anything into fat. then, use the weights get in a good weight exercise for another 45 minutes at the end of your day and then also do your abs. crunches, leg lifts, sit ups..., you will not have amazing results in 4 weeks but you will have the best results posible in such a short time.
4 weeks isn't a lot of time. However, you can do a few things-
Check out for your workouts
Use a combination of HIIT (this can be googled) and the LIT cardio.
I'm not a fan of low carb diets, but lowering carbs for a few weeks can help in your case.
Alright well last night was my first night actually doing stuff. I lifted weights for about an Hour and I ran for about 15 minutes (i know I need more) then I had a protein shake before I went to bed. I didnt wake up and workout this morning but I had another protein shake for breakfast. I plan on getting in another hour of lifting and half hour this time of cardio.

Is it good that I had a protein shake this morning without working out until tonight? Or is that bad?