Is NutritionX Big Whey any good?

I've taken up boxing and a guy there reccomended that I start taking Whey Protein to help training.
The sticky at the top of this section confirmed it would be a good idea.

Asking around the peopel I know, the following Whey Protein was reccomended

Does anyone have any experience with this?

Or would they reccomend a different one available to Ireland.

i don't see any red flags in the nutrition info or ingredients list.
sorry for bumping an old thread but i was slightly bored and decided to see what would happen if I put Ireland into the search and anyway this came up.

Ye really like Big whey and it is great product and probably the one I would recommend to anyone looking for a good quality reasonably priced Whey.

If you are getting it from pro nutrition and are going into the shop rather then getting it on line ask if Jon is there (the owner of the shop) and if he is tell him that JSB sent you him, or tell him you are from boards or team test and he may knock a few euro off for you.

Other then that if you are looking to shop around another site I would recommend is especially if you are looking for cheap good quality gym gear, however Mick who owns the shop also sells great value supplements and you could get some ON gold standard if you wanted. (but stick with Nutrition X if you can as it is an Irish based company ;-) .)

Other then that are also a good site with good customer service but as I haven't meet the owner I generally stick with the first 2.