Is my simple plan going to work?


New member
Eat lean, as it only eat complex carbs, fruit, vegetables lean meat, good fats, nothing processed, minimal sugar, white flour, and saturated fats no trans fats etc (If I do this I presume I wont need to count calories or go hungry, I will just be able to eat when I want, because the food wont be calorie dense because its full of water, fiber, and other nutrients that fill you up without packing in the calories, so you dont need to count)

Workout with compound weights 3 times a week for 45 mins

Hill sprints (10 sprints up a 50 meter 35 degree hill) x1 per week

Then sit down at computer 24 7 the rest of the time (this is my life style hard to change due to work and world of warcraft)

Is my plan gonna fail?

Counting calories is hard and it sucks.

I also eat carbs as a staple, I like complex carbs like wholemeal bread, oats, lentals, yams, potatoes with skin on, etc I eat these as at least 1/3 of my meals, I hear carbs are frowned upon? But complex carbs are good right?
I'm a long time lurker and also a long time failure when it comes to working out. So I understand if you take my advice with a grain of salt.

I think your food plan is good in theory. It really depends on whether or not you will stick to it, or if you'll just go to McDonald's when you don't want to cook. I know counting calories is a pain in the neck, but I've found it does help keep me accountable when it comes to binge snacking and overeating. 500 calories of chicken is still 500 calories, you know? But cutting the processed stuff is always a good idea.

As far as working out, it depends on your goals. If you want to simply build muscle, the weights will do you good. But if you want to lose weight, you need more cardio. I would recommend even just walking around your neighborhood for 20 minutes every day. Setting yourself only one day of (really really intense) cardio, I know that I would personally be inclined to push it back. Building a little bit of exercise into your daily routine would definitely be easier to stick to, IME. Then again, you are quite likely more dedicated than me.

Currently, I do a 35 minute walk in the morning and some evenings, and aim for 3 days at the gym. But even if I miss a day at the gym, I don't feel as bad and I still make progress, because I'm not just sitting on my ass all day (I work from home, very little exertion). I also do my best to stick to 1500 calories, although I don't starve myself to reach that goal. So far, I'm 25 pounds down and gearing up for more. It takes a lot of experimentation to find what works for you personally.

Good luck.
Hi My Friend.
First thing you should before you try to lose weight is trying to love yourself Your body because as they said your body is the only place you can live in.
Losing weight can be so frustrating and so difficult, but not impossible, So be patience and don't give up.
carbs aren't bad for you that should be your main food source to energize your workouts as in oatmeal,brown rice,etc aka a slow digesting good quality carb,i would watch out for white flower as it leads to random insulin spikes and your body tends to store glycogen (sugar) after that release starts.and have a rest between your sprints that is 2 times as long as you ran so you get significant rest,there are many factors to weight loss and gain,don't do moderate or low intensity cardio for long durations as it lowers your testosterone which is a factor that helps your metabolism speed,do 1 gram of protein per lbs of body weight.if you have any questions like how much you should eat just ask me.
not true even if you eat lean and clean you can still eat over maintenance,while exercising is good for losing fat you also have to take into account how many calories you burn so you can replace those as it will lead to possibly too fast of a fat reduction,and stress isn't too major it releases cortisol but it doesn't eat at your fat or muscle too much,and being happy just releases a slight amount of dopamine it doesn't have much to do with adrenaline as that is only released when you are angry or very scared.
also every 30 minutes at a desk do 30 seconds to 1 minute of push ups or walking (anything sparking activity) so you can activate your muscles and neurological system again it also helps you stay awake and has other benefits.
Push ups will do nothing for your stomach area. They'll build up your chest but not stomach because no muscles are being used. You should do proper sit ups and walk on the tredmill for a little bit daily to get a better performance for your belly and cardio.