Sport Is my planned diet okay? comments an advise very welcome

Sport Fitness
male, 14 yrs, 61kg, or 134 pounds. looking to get toned/loose body fat. want to finally see abs. BMR is 2211 calories...I've set my diet to total 1800, at the end i came out with 1802 calories lol, pretty close. I need 201g of protein a day, i came out with 153g, which is a problem...or is it not too bad?


Porridge w/ egg white and banana (milk included in calculations)

cals 293
pro 12.4g

Meal Two

2 cups of grapes

cals 124

Meal Three

1 Fiber - One Muffin
1 Apple
Tuna Sandwich

cals 475
pro 32g

Meal Four

2 Fiber - One Muffins

cals 230
pro 12g


280g Chicken breast (roasted, skinless, boneless)
1 cup brown rice w/veggies

cals 680
pro 97g

The Fiber - One muffins' nutiritional value can be found here...

Umm, dunno if there's anything else I've forgoten to it ok if i miss out on that 50g of protein?

Are the foods I'm (going to be) eating ok?

Will this diet work?
More veggies and dairy...

You are going to eat 3 muffins a day?
Gus, I just realised (LOL, sorry), you PM'd me.......In a few I will respond young man to your post...........LETS ROCK AND ROLL, BABY!

Best wishes to you, GUS

By the way.......glad to see you around the forum again.

No problem man, whenever you have time to reply, that'll be fine.

You actually remember me from last time? I went off the whole 'healthy eating diet' thing for a while, but im back now.
If you weigh 134 pounds what makes you think you need 201g of protein a day ? There is a strong case that could be made that you may only need 108 - 135 grams a day.

Where did you come up with this notion that you need 1.5 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight ( i.e. 201 ) anyway ?

btw - what does your weekly exercise ( i.e resistance training, sports, cardio ) regimen look like ?
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If you weigh 134 pounds what makes you think you need 201g of protein a day ? There is a strong case that could be made that you may only need 108 - 135 grams a day.

Where did you come up with this notion that you need 1.5 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight ( i.e. 201 ) anyway ?

btw - what does your weekly exercise ( i.e resistance training, sports, cardio ) regimen look like ?

The Nutrition 101 sticky.

I'm just following what mreik said...I think. Or did I do something wrong?

3 gym sessions a week, in the free weight section. What is resistance training mean? (To go slightly off-topic).
201 grams of protien is HIGH for your weight of 134.

How tall are you at 134lbs?

Strive for at at least .8 per lb of body weight of protein, Gus.

What have you decided to do for a weight routine, I dont remember. What have you been doing for a weight routine while you have been absent from the forum?
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I'm 175cm so...about 5"9.

In the planned diet I hit 153g , or about 1.1 per lb, and .8 would take it to about 107g of protein. Any suggestions on how to lower 153 to 107?

The routine looks like...

Gym 3 times a week

(Not in this order all the time)

Bench Press (1 session ago i tried out interval training, is this a god idea or should i stick to one weight for three sets?)

Leg Press

Barbell Bicep Curl

Tricep exercise (bent over row or dumbbell tricep extensions or doing the extensions lying down on a bench)

I was doing sit ups with weights on my stomach for an ab exercise, it made them work but im not sure how much its actually helping me...i tried roman chair leg lifts and i cant really get them right, any other ab exercises i could do? Or would weighted situps be ok?

I stopped doing standing military presses a while ago, because they didnt really seem to be working deltoids...i mean, my deltoids grew, but near the middle end of the 2nd and 3rd set it would seem to switch over to the tricep, and really working triceps. Dunno how to 'isolate' (i think is the term) the deltoids.
I'm 175cm so...about 5"9.

In the planned diet I hit 153g , or about 1.1 per lb, and .8 would take it to about 107g of protein. Any suggestions on how to lower 153 to 107?

Don't sweat the details to much ...there is no need making a point of lowering it to .8. Anything close to 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight is fine.

Use 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight simply as a guideline and you'll have more than enough to meet your needs. If you go a bit over or under 1 gram - no big deal.
I'm 175cm so...about 5"9.

In the planned diet I hit 153g , or about 1.1 per lb, and .8 would take it to about 107g of protein. Any suggestions on how to lower 153 to 107?

Thanks to responding to MY post, gus.

I think its important for you to have a protein target and thus a ballpark figure to shoot for each day, along with a target for the other 2 important nutrients. You have the "ability" to work with this, and dont EVER sell yourself short.

The routine looks like...

Gym 3 times a week

(Not in this order all the time)

Bench Press (1 session ago i tried out interval training, is this a god idea or should i stick to one weight for three sets?)

When you are first starting out, there is no need to do more advanced techniques of training. Therefore, I suggest just sticking with the basics and traditional weight lifting and a moderate rep range (8 to 10/12) to get yourself started.

Since you have access to a gym, and if time isnt a concern for you, than a FBW (Full Body Routine) would be ideal for you. If time is a problem, then an upper/lower split.

Tricep exercise (bent over row or dumbbell tricep extensions or doing the extensions lying down on a bench)

The bent over row is "primarily" a Back exercise (example, the Lats.). And, I think the description your giving on the other tri exercise sounds like the "skull crusher" or lying tricep extention or french press, possibly. If it is, this is fine for your tricep work.

I was doing sit ups with weights on my stomach for an ab exercise, it made them work but im not sure how much its actually helping me...i tried roman chair leg lifts and i cant really get them right, any other ab exercises i could do? Or would weighted situps be ok?

On the sit-up, IMO you only want to go half-up (or about 30 degrees), and if your doing weighted "half-ups" then the weight needs to be held on the upper chest as high as feasibly possible.

You could also can do weighted leg lifts with a pair of dumbells on your feet. Or weighted reverse crunches (which I have done before).

On weighted torso exercises: Start out with no weight until you reach the first set of 25 reps. IF on the first set you reach 25R, then add a 2 1/2 lb plate (as an example) on the second set, and then continue, and then do a 3rd. Be progressive. Each time the FIRST set hits 25, add weight.

Schedule this about 2 to 3 times a week, and treat it as any other muscle. Allow rest time: this example gives about 4 to 5 days in one week.

Pick one, AND do 3 sets. At the beginning I suggest just one exercise of 3 sets, and as you progress you can add in another--just for simplicity sake.

You could also consider a "stability ball" and do crunches on it.

The Dead lift and Squat do work the torso region a indirectly, and I WANT YOU TO include these lifts in your routine if you have not been doing them.

These are a few examples.

But remember, doing these exercises isn't the key in getting the abs to show, its the diet that does this. The exercises will strengthen the area no doubt, but place the diet above these exercises. Be PROGRESSIVE in the ab area as you are in your other training.

I stopped doing standing military presses a while ago, because they didnt really seem to be working deltoids...i mean, my deltoids grew, but near the middle end of the 2nd and 3rd set it would seem to switch over to the tricep, and really working triceps. Dunno how to 'isolate' (i think is the term) the deltoids.

I dont recommend giving up the Military Press. It is a good upper body developer (compound exercis), and does involve the shoulders a great deal, and of course the triceps (and traps to a lessor degree).

You can do Iso for the shoulders with front and side lateral raises, my opinion, you do not want to add (or over do ) alot of shoulder work, because the shoulders will get alot of work throughout your routine.


A Weight Program is a structured "Weight Lifting" Plan that you schedule certain exercises for a given time period.

Plan a FBW:

For example: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Rest Saturday and Sunday, and then repeat.

Make compound exercises your STAPLE exercises.

Here are some examples:

Squat, Dead Lift, Flat and incline bench press (upper), Military press (upper), Lunges (more lower), French Press (Skull crusher, upper), Close-grip Bench Press, barbell curl (upper, I do not share the opinion, that barbell curls are a useless exercise), bent over row (upper), and you can also choose: Dips and chins/pull-ups.

Weight progression Importance:

I recommend writing down the exercises, weight being used, sets, and reps completed---to track progression.

The KEY to training, is PROGRESSION. Trying with FULL THROTTLE to progress from one workout to the next (whether its an increase in reps or weight or both).

For example: you used 100lbs on Bent Over row and did 8 reps. The next workout with the back you want to get 9 reps, and so on and so forth. If the target cut off rep range is 12 (for example), then you would increase about 5 lbs. This is progression in its simple basic form.

I believe you have to track progress because its CRITICAL to ones success and to strength and/or muscle gains.

Best wishes,

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Thanks heaps Chillen.

I'm doing weighted situps with 15kg for 3 sets of 20, so I don't really understand what you're saying about thew weighted sit ups (or half ups). 2 1/2 lbs seems nothing compared to what I am doing.

So would something like....

Flat Bench press
Military press
barbell curls
military row
chin ups/pull ups

...sound good for a FBW?

If so, then I'll start this workout on monday, start recording it, and start the diet. Thanks again man, you're a huge help.