Is my eliptical runner BS-ing me?

Hi all, I'm new here, so forgive me if I'm not following any typical posting conventions, etc.

My question concerns the number of calories I burn while working out. Anyway, here we go.

I try to get about 30 minutes of cardio workout in each day, and since I can't really run anymore (I think I gave myself shin-splints) I started to use the cardio machines at the gym. I switch up between the stair machine and an eliptical runner and I enjoy both a lot. I noticed that in 30 minutes I burn about 400 calories on the eliptical but only 330 or so on the stairs. Yet I feel like stairclimber kicks my butt a lot more than the runner. As a matter of fact, I don't feel very tired at all when I get off the runner. I'll be pretty sweaty, but I coud easily go on working out. Am I actually getting much less of a workout on the eliptical and wasting my time ? :confused:
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Personally I wouldnt even bother looking at the machine stats.
Get a heart rate monitor and just go by that.
The amchine stats are not based on you indivdual. So yes you are getting B.S.

Be efficient with your workout and keep in mind cardio is a double-edged sword. It burns calories BUT do you just count fat as calories?
What I mean is you need to make sure you show variety with cardio. Also, cardio burns through muscle, fat, and whatever your taking down. When you become adapted to a certain type of cardio you will cease to burn as many calories as before. If your body has no need for maintaining will only oxidate the fat that is needed (which won't be much).

To be efficient with burning fat you need a decent resistance training program (the reason for your body to maintain or grow muscle and burn fat).
I noticed you said you were very sweaty after the runner... were you just as sweaty after the stair climber? If not, then it stands to reason that you burn't more calories on the runner since you got hotter.