Weight-Loss Is my dieting wrong?!?!



New member
So I posted in another forum and I told them my diet which one day consists of this:

2 eggs, scrambled, no oil. 1/2 cup of oatmeal in 1/2 cup of soymilk.

banana and yogurt.

turkey sandwich on wheat

snack 2:
red pepper in 1tbs hummus

1 chicken breast in 1/2 cup spaghetti sauce with 1 cup of whole wheat pasta.

and the replies were that my diet sucked. but im not sure because Im basically following the abs diet guideline. I have a fruit, vegetable, whole grains and everything. I am having difficulty trying to lose weight. my doctor told me to eat 2000 cals but I eat from 1600-1800 a day. I do strength 4 days, 5 days cardio and one day is a 1hour cardio. I am following a circuit plan of weight lifting. I dont know if I am doing too much, eating right, eating too much, eating too little, or not doing enough. I have lost 6inches but every week my weight goes up and down and I am stuck. its driving me nuts, I want to quit so bad but I can't. i am so ttired of being big. I just started a month ago again on my weight loss journey and its just driving me crazy. =( please someone help me, i dont know what to do anymore.

I can't tell you exactly how many calories to eat but try to find a BMR calculator on-line so you can gauge roughly how many calories you should be consuming to maintain your current weight (then eat less for weight loss).

As long as your calories out > calories in you will lose weight.

I walk frequently and lift weights but I mainly reduce my calories by eating less (through 2 x 24 hours fasts per week)... Using this method i've reduced my waist from 34" to 32".

I eat pastries, sandwiches, nuts, fruit, chocolate etc etc and lost weight so when people say your diets rubbish pay no attention. Everyone eats differently.

Let me know if you need anymore help.

In my opinion your diet is fine just stick to it. (Obviously I don't mean eat the same thing every day.) But as long as you keep picking the right types of food, which you are, and keep eating between the amounts you are eating then that will be fine and you should hit your goals in no time! :)

Good Luck

Hi Bianca!

One thing that I learned is that is better to consume more carbs at the morning than the evening.

I think you should not eat pasta at dinner, since pasta are simple carbs, that converts to fat faster than complex carbs.

But I don't know well about whole wheat pasta =/.

I think carbs should consist normally around 65% of your diet, but since you're trying to lose weight it can consist around 40%.

And you should consume the carbs at morning/afternoom, and at evening less energic foods, since you won't use that energy too much at evening.

Other thing is that i learned is that if you don't give enough energy to your body, your body learns to "save" more energy from less food, and that may turn into fat also.

That means you should not cut all the carbs ando also eat something at least each 3 hours.

Good luck!
It seems that your diet is fine to me...but I'm no nutritionist. Maybe ask your doc at the next visit?
I'll offer a few obsevations

2 eggs. high calorie and high cholesterol. replace one of the eggs with two egg whites (you can get liquid or powdered egg white) it creates more volume, tastes just as good when included with a whole egg, 2 whites are about 1/3 the calories of a whole egg and has no cholesterol.

oatmeal is healthy but calorie dense. personally i'd replace its calorie count with some nuts for the oils or include oily fish 2-3 times a week.

fruit: good as long as you vary the fruit a little.

bread is also calorie dense and depending how thick the cut can end up being 100-150 calories a slice. look around and you'll find a few companies that do 50 calorie per slice loafs (usually crustless loafs). smaller slice also results in less filler.

a single vegetable is really rather limited, vegetables are low calorie so it's worth using them to bulk a meal up. carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, peas, onions, celery.... try to incorporate several different types a day and decent quantities.

I know that eating little and often is a popular and probably wise approach, but with limited calories it can end up making meals meager, I'd cut out the snacks to make the meals more filling.

Exercise: don't know what cardio you do but try increasing intensity or switching to a different type. double it, half it, change to morning or evening... if something not working for you, try something else.

only weigh yourself once a week and under similar conditions each time (IE first thing in the morning on sunday before breakfast). more often and you'll generally see wild variations.

appreciate that while the scales might tell you one story, the tape measure tells you another. scales will lie to you a lot more often (loss of fat, gain in muscle), and a loss of 6 inches in a month is something you should be proud of.

Hope some of that helps
