Weight-Loss is my diet healthy and enough? Please help



New member
Hi everybody, I'm new to this forum.
Below is my diet plan:

Meal 1, 5 egg whites, 1 veggie sandwich(5 kinds of veggies and no cheese with 2 slices of brown bread and yellow mustard), 1 apple
Meal 2, 1 veggie sandwich, 1 orange
Meal 3, 5 egg whites, 1 apple
Meal 4, 2 veggie sandwich
Meal 5, 5 egg whites before go to bed

I'm a vegetarian and the reason i like to eat sandwich is because it's easy to cook.
My everyday sport is to run 40 minutes and do 400 crunches in 10 groups.

Do you guys think im eating enough for a day? or too less? is my diet healthy?

thank you so much!
Seems like a lot of sandwich and egg white and not a lot of veg ... but it's hard to say really. WE don't know what kind of veggies, what kind of bread, how big your portion sizes are, etc. I also don't see a lot of healthy fats there - which are necessary to be healthy.

I'd suggest registering for a free account on or and starting to log your food. This will let you see how many calories you're eating and how your nutrition levels are breaking down. Once you know that, you'll be able to see more clearly where you can make adjustments, cut back, change your nutrition, etc.
are you eating the same thing every day? even if your diet has healthy food its not healthy to have the same meals every day. your body needs variety. fruit, veggies, nuts, beans, grain, id eat a whole egg at least part of the time. they are full of fat-soluble vitamins and essential fatty acids. and the cholesterol is mostly the low density kind that dosnt cause clogged arteries. they are full of vitamins B6, B12, A, D, & E. egg whites do not. and to get full protein try mixing whole grain with nuts or beans like peanut or almond butter on bread, or beans with brown rice. also look into quinoa. its a seed or grain that has whole protein and many other nutrients.
Why are you wasting egg yolks ?And also putting in tiime to separate them.
More than 50% of proteins lies in the yellow portion of the egg.
And recent researches have already proved that the cholesterol in diet is not the reason for rise in blood cholesterol, but its the fat which causes problems.
Maybe you can say more about your current weight, goal and what it is that you want to do in losing weight.