Sport Is my diet good enough

Sport Fitness
I'm 14 year old, and 5'8 I weight 148-150.

I'm trying to gain muscle and loose fat, but not loose any more weight.

Here is my diet plan (look at the image)

is this a good diet? to gain muscle and loose fat - I used to eat only 1,100 calories and I lost 30 something pounds I used to be 170-172 now i'm 148-150, if allowed I can post a picture of myself.

I need the perfect diet plan, and exercise plan.
can anyone please help
Hey and welcome

Are you trying to stay the same weight? I'm thinking that 1800 cals is probably not quite enough for a 14 year old boy, so I would recommend maybe something more like a minimum of 2000 cals, but this sort of depends on what your goals are.

I would recommend reading these posts for your training:

Your diet looks OK, but a very lacking in fruit and veggies.
Definitely increase your calorie intake! I'm a girl and I probably consume around 1800 calories and I'm moderately fit. As long as you're physically active, as Im assuming you are, you should have at least 2,000 cals daily!