Sport Is my diet bad?

Sport Fitness
Hi all first time poster here. First a little history. I have issues with anxiety. M GF recently had my first child (6 months ago) and I beleive it to be stress as the reason I dropped from around 175 lbs to 143 lbs. I try to eat alot but cannot gain.

I recently joined a gym and plan to hit the weights pretty heavy again. I am 6 foot tall and 27 years old. 143 is rediculous. I was just wondering what I can do to gain weight withot suppliments.

Right now I don't have a lot of time so I try to make big pots of food to eat on a few days. My main thing is 2 pounds of gound beef, one can green beans, 2 cans tomato soup, and tons of chooped up carrots and potatoes. I try to eat servings of this at least 3 times a day. The 2 pounds of ground beef last me 2 days or a bit more.

I also eat a lot of turkey sandwiches with good whole wheat bread. I cannot eat things wih a lot of suger like fruits as it makesm e jittery and hyper feeling. Any advice of things to eat or how often to do so would be great.

Thanks all!
Aim to eat every couple of hours throughout the day, atleast 6 times, I would shoot for more like 8-10 if possible, understand that each time doesn't have to be a huge meal.

Develop a good diet of good carbs, good fats, and lean protein, and hit the weights hard like you said and you should be ok.
well supplements are far from necessary, to reaching a desired goal.
whats a typical day for you in terms of diet (macronutrient breakdown)?
doesnt look like your in a positive energy balance to see any gains, as you sound like a pretty active guy. if your not consuming adequate amounts of food, forget about seeing any gains. Protein intake seems non existant. when you say turkey, are you referring to deli style?

Protein intake seems non existant. when you say turkey, are you referring to deli style?

How is my protein non existent I eat about a pound of beef a day with the beef stew mixture I described. Does that not count a protein? Why? Also yes the turkey I eat is deli shaved good stuff.

Thanks for any and all suggestions guys. Keep it coming.
I'm not sure what he was thinking.. but you do need other forms of protein as well. Ground beef, any type, has a good amount of fat, even the 95/5...

Of course, if youre getting the deli turkey get the 99% fat free cut. Also try some ground turkey in your mix instead of the ground beef, you can get it 99% fat free as well. Turkey steaks, turket cutlets, I'm gonna sound like the guy in forrest gump soon....

Try fish and chicken as well, and try to have more variation in your diet in general. You need to be eating often like I already said.

I will try all of those suggestions and keep you all posted.

so I hit the gym Mondy and I am 143. I hope the reduction in stress will get me up 10 pounds fiarly soon.
yes, you definitely need to de-stress. stress causes the body to release cortisol, which makes it easier for you to stay in a muscle wasting state (catabolism).

hopefully the gym time will be a way for you to 'release' that stress.