Weight-Loss Is it too late to join?

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Losing It

New member
Is there any challenge that I can be a part of? I just joined the site today and would love to jump right into a challenge, but I haven't seen any that are still accepting people right now.

It's a bit overwhelming to read through the 17 pages a thread to find out if it's too late to join in, lol! ;)
I'd be interested in this, too - I found the forum yesterday and it seems there're no challenges to take part in. :(
Right now we have several challenges all going on...if you have the biggest looser dvd, you can join that challenge, I know the november challenge isnt' taking anyone else...um,Oldie verses newbie is over in 1 wk... Maybe you can post in the christmas challenge and ask them if you can join, if not, with the oldie challenge comming to an end I'm sure there will be another one started soon :D
Thanks for the information, Newbride02 and Kaitie :)
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