Is it safe to combine NO-XPLODE with Hot-rox

I have had great weight loss results with Hot-rox.

Original Goal : Lose Weight and gain lean mass

Hot-rox Extreme (2 day)
100%Whey Protein
Creatine + Glutammine
Adams MultiVitamins (2 caps) & Flax Seed Oil (2 caps)

Current Goal: Gain Muscle Mass

I thought of making a change to my supplement program. 2 reasons...Lack of progress and Lack of energy with Hot-Rox

Here is what I plan

Hot-rox Extreme (2 day..Last bottle, Just trying to reach body fat goal..Almost there)
Muscle Milk
Adams MultiVitamins (2 caps) & Flax Seed Oil (2 caps)

I am little concerned on doing both No-Xplode with Hot-rox..Any comments? PLease advice...Allthough Xplode does not say it has caffiene, I believe it does..I am just concerned on too much Caffiene.

Remeber that you can't lose fat & build muscle at the same time. If your current goal is to build mass then you should be eating in a calorie surplus so it will be near impossible to lose fat tissue during this period. At the very least you can hope to not gain any fat during this phase (also difficult but you shouldn't gain too much if you have a clean diet).

Now with that being said, when I bough Hot-Rox at GNC the guy told me that it's OK to take during the bulking phase as it won't burn muscle, just keep fat gain to a minimum (take that statement for what you will as I haven't started taking yet - getting good enough results with just weights & cardio). If I were you, I'd ditch the NO-Xplode as it's bascially a waste of $$ (found this out the hard way) and just take straight creatine monohydrate. If you need a caffine boose prior to a work-out, have a cup or two of me, it works wonders for energy.

NO-Xplode doesn't contain caffine, it's the Arginine (NO) complex in it that gives you the 'pump'. If it did contain caffine, I'm sure that they would be required to state that on the package.

Hope this helps - Good luck!
it may not have caffine, but it does contain stimulants.

I don't see ANY reason to use the NO-Xplode. its just a fake pump from arginine, some decent creatine, and then a bunch of other crap they claim helps you, but they have dick for scientific research to support their claims.

you really can't shed a decent amount of fat while gaining a decent amount of muscle.

The guy at GNC is an idiot. HOt rox isn't gonna do much for keeping fat off during a bulk. proper eating would though.
In reference to HOTROX:

Good advice is below. Diet pills dont work. Save your money and invest time and effort into yourself, and you will be rewarded a thousand times more than the money spent on diet pills:

The Magic Pill:

There is a magic (fat burner) pill:

One walks in their...Magic Pillbox....everyday.

Its you and the body.

And, every time you continue your diet and exercise, you take one pill out of the box toward your goal.

Yes, there is a magic pill. Its you. And, you walk within it everyday.

Quote by Chillen
An opposite Thought:

A Poison Pillbox

One walks in this Pillbox......everyday.

Every time you make an excuse to not exercise (when scheduled) or inappropriately cheat on the diet, you take one pill from this box against your goal

Yes, there is a poison Pillbox, and you walk in this everyday you make an inappropriate choice when dealing with the natural human impulses of the body.

Answer: Be the Magic Pill.

Quote by Chillen
You can be friend or foe to yourself and sometimes both. Think about it. The truest form of wisdom is learning to deal with yourself.