Is it possible to lose weight with stress?


New member
I am "skinny fat" (skinny everywhere with stomach fat) and I have depression and anxiety, a lot of anxiety. Along with the high stress of college. I used to have stomach fat before depression and anxiety and I even exercised but it wasn't that bad. I know it's because I eat really bad.. I always eat pasta, pizza, bread, and I used to drink only soda but now I usually drink only water. I was doing good and started exercising and started eating oatmeal, eggs, and chicken but gave up from strong depression caused by stress from college. I'm now considering trying again but is it possible to lose belly fat with stress? I really hate how stress causes belly fat, it just makes me think it's hopeless
of course it's possible! I have severe anxiety, and depression. I actually find exercise calms me down a lot! It just makes me feel better, eating healthy is actually a great tool to feel better as well :)
Thank you :) I am trying again. Does stress directly cause fat or does it just make you want to eat more? I thought it just causes fat so it made me want to give up, but I was reading that it just makes you want to eat more and if that's the case I can control myself and do fine
The only thing that 'causes fat' is to eat more calories than you are burning. Stress itself can not cause you to gain weight. It's the way you eat that does it.
Personally, I don't think that stress per se can make much of a difference, but if you eat because of stress, then it's another story...

If you are an emotional eater (eating for stress, sadness, etc), I respectfully suggest you work on that. And if you decide to change your eating habits, start slowly. Trying to cut everything at once and permanently just leads to failure and frustration.

joshuab said:
I was doing good and started exercising and started eating oatmeal, eggs, and chicken but gave up from strong depression caused by stress from college.

I can relate to you. Something similar happened to me, but on school. I managed to lose 20 Kg, but I entered into depression, because of bullying. I also have a really bad social anxiety, which just made things worse. I gained over 30 Kg.

On another note, instead of just trying to ban most of the food you like, I suggest you start by simply counting calories.

I hope the post helps... Good luck, have a great week. :)
Research does say that women with greater abdominal fat have more negative moods and higher levels of life stress. Greater exposure to life stress or psychological vulnerability to stress may explain their enhanced cortisol reactivity (stress hormone). In turn, their cortisol exposure may have led them to accumulate greater abdominal fat. Genetics, however, also play a role in shaping reactivity to stress, as well as body shape.
Thank you everyone for the help. I won't give up then, I can control what I eat with stress

I can relate to you. Something similar happened to me, but on school. I managed to lose 20 Kg, but I entered into depression, because of bullying. I also have a really bad social anxiety, which just made things worse. I gained over 30 Kg.

Sorry about the bullying. I used to get it all through my days in high school and also entered depression from bullying when I was 13. Thank God the bullying stops after high school and people are more mature in college. Just so you know they bully to make themselves feel better or look tough in front of others, and try to get you to become hostile like them, don't let them change you like that. For your social anxiety you have to do the things the social anxiety stops you from doing (talking in front of people, going places that make you anxious) if you want to overcome it.

Sorry for going off topic there. Are there any exercises that help with belly fat or should I just do any exercise? I think I'm gonna do HIIT on a treadmill with weight lifting and push ups when I have the time.
Firstable I think it better for you to enjoy your life much much more? depression, stress is never good for your life and of course your health. So I think before you go for weight loss, you should focus on heal your depression, enjoy your life more and kill stress. Secoundly...Of course you can lose fat in stress, but sound not good enough if you do it while you heal your emotion at the same time....more focus on your emotion.
My wife was depression, I know how bad it is, but you can out of depression in just few month by medication.
One more thing, I think that's bad if we do it(whatever) with STRESS. It will make you a lot of bad things.
Hope you'll enjoy your life more, focus on positive things and of course....lose fat! :)

Have a nice day!
YOu see, we all have 2 parts, your soul(soul, emotion, everything start from your heart...) and your body(what you look like, health....) If you're sick, but you're happy, then your body will be good even great really really fast because your emotion healing for your body.
But if you're sick and you're thinking about something really negative, im sure with you that it will be very difficult for your body to be cured.
And if you're not having a good mood, if it keep too long in your life, your body will get so tired....disease!!!
For weight loss, eating....if you having too much of stress, it will be difficult for your digest process.
Trust me!