Is it possible to gain muscle and burn fat?

Hey all.

I should start of with a bit of background information. I am a 16 year old male and I am currently around 10 stone and roughly 13% body fat and am 5ft 10. I was very chubby when I was younger and I have slowly been slimming down as I have grown and got taller but there is still a bit of fat left that I would rather not have which is why I am here, but I am getting to that age where I want to start gaining muscle :p which is why I was wondering whether it is possible to gain muscle and burn fat at the same time.

I was thinking that by doing strength training with weights and body weight exercises and doing cardio I would be able to get rid of the last bit of flab while being able to gain a bit of muscle including the abs and chest area.

Any feedback is greatly appreciated.
I'm not a fitness trainer, but yes, you are on the right track. Good to see someone so young taking care of themselves. Also, ensure you eat well. Fruit, veggies and whole grains like oats and quinoa. You know the drill!

You will definitely lose weight by doing strength training, when you want to go from 13% to 7% body fat your diet becomes even more important.The testosterone and growth hormone released from weight training will help increase your metabolism, keep your carbohydrate intake low (this doesn't mean no carbs), keep your protein intake high (raw eggs, sushi are very easy for the body to convert), and keep all your weight training sessions to 45-60 minutes long. This has been proven to give your body the highest amount of growth hormone and testosterone release, which are essential to building muscle, and improving metabolism. Keep it up.
The two efforts work against each other. To gain muscle you need a calorie surplus, to lose fat you need a calorie deficit.

bodybuilders tend to focus on gaining muscle primarily, then focus on fat loss a few months before competition. as muscle increases your BMR, it makes it easier to lose fat the more muscle you have.

I'd suggest you focus on bodybuilding for 2-3 months with a mild calorie surplus then switch to fat loss for a month with a mild deficit (keep exercising, it'll help keep what you've gained while you get lean)
Thats what I thought Tourny. I've been trying to increase my muscle endurance, as well as strength. I really want to increase my leg strength, but have very bad knees. Lunges and squats hurt them very much, and I think a lot of it has to do with my lower body being very tight. Does anyone have any suggestions?