Is it possible for a girl to get a four pack or six pack?

Just wondering. My mom says you'd have to lose more weight because the only girls she has seen are girls who are very skinny with one. So only girls who like, are very skinny can get one? o_O Or is my mom wrong?
Absolutely! You just have to get your body fat down to where there isn't a layer of fat over your abs.
Girls are genetically predetermined to hold fat in their hips and thighs over their midsections (men) so it should be easier. But the fact that you have higher bf% naturally and lower test levels evens the playing field for us :D
When it comes to training your Abs, gender isn't all that important. you need to do the same exercises with the same repetition schemes, you need to eat smart, and do cardio workouts.

The main difference as far as ab work is concerned is where you are genetically predisposed to store fat. men will store it on their obliques (love handles), women will store it on their lower abs.

First & last warning, NO LINKS **Hoss
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Most guys generally like a toned stomach over 4-6 packs.
On women, that is.


I think a woman who is cut too much, including defined abs, is a bit much, not bad looking, but I'd take a smooth flat stomach over a defined one, at least when not currently doing a crunch.

If this is what YOU like and what YOU want, then go for it. It's definitely doable, but as Hoss said, women genetically have a layer of fat mainly in that section of their bodies, so it will take a bit more. Just be mindful that it will take lots of work and do it in a healthy manner and you should be good to go.

Best of luck.