If you're in the gym and you see a guy/girl with terrific form/strong shoulders/seeing him put something into a shaker, is it ok to approach them?
The reason I ask is I seen a smaller guy ask a bigger guy a question, and the bigger guy had no problem answering it(unfortunately I didnt hear the question, ipod in).
A few days ago though there was talk of a bit of agro in the gym for a guy 'annoying' another guy with questions.
So is it ok to ask questions? I can understand if you're being bombarded with questions and especially the tone and timing of the question need to be important but would you be annoyed in similar circumstances?
The reason I ask is I seen a smaller guy ask a bigger guy a question, and the bigger guy had no problem answering it(unfortunately I didnt hear the question, ipod in).
A few days ago though there was talk of a bit of agro in the gym for a guy 'annoying' another guy with questions.
So is it ok to ask questions? I can understand if you're being bombarded with questions and especially the tone and timing of the question need to be important but would you be annoyed in similar circumstances?