Is it ok to ask questions?

If you're in the gym and you see a guy/girl with terrific form/strong shoulders/seeing him put something into a shaker, is it ok to approach them?

The reason I ask is I seen a smaller guy ask a bigger guy a question, and the bigger guy had no problem answering it(unfortunately I didnt hear the question, ipod in).

A few days ago though there was talk of a bit of agro in the gym for a guy 'annoying' another guy with questions.

So is it ok to ask questions? I can understand if you're being bombarded with questions and especially the tone and timing of the question need to be important but would you be annoyed in similar circumstances?
depends who you ask. I don't mind someone asking me questions, as long as they don't get too annoying :p
Noway! :) I dont think anybody gets annoyed with questions, most people are happy to share their knowledge and help!

As long as you dont annoy them and bombard them like you say.

Id be more than happy to help someone, iv done it before and iv asked many people questions and they always help :):):):):):):):):)
yeh if you're really pounding out the last rep and your whole body is shaking etc and a guy comes over and ask who makes your shorts because they match your shirt really well.......well I'd get annoyed after I stopped laughing!

I was really surprised to be honest when I heard.....thought it was a bit sh1t because everyone starts from somewhere
Of course! I work at a gym and see ppl doing it all the time. Most ppl are more than willing to give advice. And don't forget about the gym staff either esp the managers. Our gym manager walks around the gym a lot and I've seen him have 20+ min conversations about supplements and form, etc. Our gym also gives one free personal training session to members who inquire so you may want to check with your gym on that as well.
I take questions and suggestions. One time a guy asked me what kind of sets I'm doing. I said 3 reps of 13 sets. Then he was like, "No one does that." And it made me question my understanding, in which case I was wrong.

Personally, I hate answering diet questions, exercise questions, or any other questions that doesn't involve safe gyms. Questions like, "What are good carbs?" would be met with, "I don't know." But questions like, "Can you spot me?" or "Do you think this is safe?" will be answered with enthusiasm.